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Summer Laundry Tips You Should Use

Summer has arrived! The BBQ Garden parties are lively and outdoors activities feel enjoyable again. While you’re enjoying time out with friends and family, it’s always best to know some summer laundry tips up your sleeve!

With the hotter weather, we are more prone to sweating, so we must continue to take care of our clothes.

Here are 5 Summer Laundry Tips you should use!

1. Hang Your Clothes Outside

The first summer laundry tip is to make full use of your garden clothesline this summer.

Hang your clothes outside in the hot weather and let the natural sunlight do its magic on your clothes. Hanging your clothes outside is proven to get rid of bad odours and your clothes will smell fresh afterwards!

Summer Laundry Tips - hang clothes outside

2. Regular Clean Checks For Your Clothesline

We recommend always double-checking that your clothesline is clean. Summer is a great season, but it also invites all the insects and birds to your garden so if you spot any mess on your clothing line, clean it before hanging your clothes.

Summer Laundry Tips - keep clothesline clean

3. Teach The Kids About Laundry

Summer is a time when kids have fun and play with their friends. However, laundry is an important life skill and in the 6 weeks of the summer holiday break, find time to slowly introduce your kids to laundry. Start giving them small tasks such as folding clothes or organising the pegs. They’ll no doubt run to the door once they hear the ice cream van but teaching them slowly will get them into the habit of organisation.

Mother teaching child to do laundry

4. Read Instructions on Labels and Detergents Carefully

This summer laundry tip may sound obvious but never underestimate summer fabrics. Always read the labels on your clothes carefully.

Certain clothes or fabrics such as silk and cotton will need to be washed differently due to the hot weather. Silk is a very delicate fabric that requires careful attention. Ensure temperatures don’t go above 30 degrees. Whereas cotton fabric can be managed to be in the washer at a hotter temperature of 90 degrees.

The same goes for choosing the right detergent. Summer clothes, as explained, as made from different materials and fabrics from winter clothes. To avoid ruining your clothes, our tip for you is to read the labels on your detergent to make sure it’s suited for delicate clothes.

We recommend using a gentle detergent for the best results and keeping your summer clothes in good condition!

5. Take Care of Your Swimwear

Whether it’s at the swimming pool or at the beach, people love swimming in the summer. You’ll want to make sure your swimwear is in good condition after you’ve finished swimming.

Before you put your swimwear away in the wash, always handwash them to ensure the sand isn’t in the machine. After you’ve hand-washed, put them in the washing machine and set the settings to 30 degrees. Once the cycle is over, the strong smell of chlorine will go away, and you’ll have freshly delicate-looking swimwear again!

You have the essential summer laundry tips to look after your clothes! If you feel that laundry will overwhelm you this summer, book with Laundryheap and we’ll do the laundry for you! No hassle, no stress!

Book with us, choose a collection day and we’ll deliver your laundry back within 24 hours!

Visit the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!

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How To Remove BBQ Sauce Stains

It’s National Barbeque (BBQ) Day! You’re chilling in the garden and enjoying your BBQ! Suddenly you realise to see that there are BBQ sauce stains on your clothes.

Your emotions may shift from BBQ delight to BBQ despair but not to worry, we are here to show you that the BBQ sauce stains haven’t ruined your clothes and there are ways to remove them!

Remove BBQ Sauce Stains
Image from

Why are BBQ Sauce Stains Difficult to Remove?

BBQ sauce stains are great on our burgers and chips. However, when they drop on our clothes, they can be a cleaning nightmare because of their greasy nature. They can ruin the colour of your fabric and they contain oily residues too.

Having said that, it’s not impossible to remove the BBQ sauce stains. Much like tomato sauce, they can be removed.

How to Remove BBQ Sauce Stains

The first step in removing BBQ sauce stain is to act fast when you notice your clothes have a funny looking colour! Don’t let the stain settle in your clothes. With care, immediately wipe the stain off with a paper towel.

If you’ve spotted the stain a little late, don’t panic. You can still scrape it off with a fork, spoon, or butter knife. Removing the external stains is important because it prevents them from spreading to other parts of your clothes.

Pour Cold Water

Secondly, pour cold water on the stained parts for a couple of minutes because it helps makes the cleaning process as seamless as possible. You’d be forgiven to think hot water helps but unfortunately, this is a misconception as hot water will only make the stain difficult to remove due to the complex mix of ingredients in the BBQ stains.

Rub Liquid Detergent and Rinse

Proceed with care and start to rub a liquid detergent into the part that has the BBQ sauce stains. As we talked about before, due to the greasy nature, you need a strong liquid detergent that does the magic. After this, let the clothing sit for 5-10 minutes (always keep an eye out) before rinsing. Once you start rinsing, make sure you don’t stop until the stain is completely removed.

Wash and Dry

You’ve rinsed the clothes so now you need to wash and dry them. Simply put your clothes in the washing machine with the hottest water settings. After the cycle is completed, the next step is drying. It’s always best to be pragmatic and approach this with precaution so double-check once again the BBQ sauce stain is removed. Even if there is a little bit of stain remaining, this could still ruin the particles in your clothing. If there is none, then start drying.

We hope your National BBQ Day is full of joy, laughter, and plenty of BBQ but no BBQ sauce stains on your clothes!

If you happen to drop any BBQ sauce on your clothes, book a service with us! We offer Laundry Services to help you!

Laundry Service

Visit our website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android so we can clean it for you!


How To Look After Your Gym Towels

If you’re a regular gym-goer, you’ll know the feeling of breaking a sweat in the gym and the benefits of a gym towel; it absorbs water and gets rid of sweat. You may have questions on the best ways to look after your gym towels and luckily for you, we have both the answers and the laundry tips to keep your gym towels clean!

1. Wash Gym Towels Immediately

You’ll undo the hard gym work if you don’t look after your gym towels after a productive workout session because maintaining hygiene is crucial. Our laundry tip for you is to wash your gym towels after every use. Aside from your sweat, your towels are touching gym equipment. Washing towels immediately reduces the chances of bacteria and germs spreading and if you wait too long, you’ll towel will get very mouldy!

Look after your gym towels immediately
Photo By Julia Larson – Pexels

2. Wash Gym Towels with Baking Soda

Secondly, baking soda is great for many different types of clothes and materials. Gym Towels aren’t an exemption. The secret of a baking soda is that it helps nullify the bad odours that gym towels bring.

Simply put your gym towels in the washer then add one cup of baking soda to the front loader. Wash with hot water (more on this below).

Baking Soda

3. Use Vinegar Monthly

Furthermore, adding vinegar is a good way to care for your gym towels. Just like Baking soda, vinegar has many uses and one of them is being used to help clean your gym towels. Vinegar helps keep towel odours at bay and brings back the freshness but it is recommended to wash with vinegar monthly.

After the full cycle with baking soda is finished, add a full cup of vinegar to the front loader. Afterwards, start your washing machine on the hottest cycle. After the cycle is finished, begin drying gym towels and then they will look fresh and good as gold!

An additional tip when doing this is always to put baking soda first and not wash at the same time as vinegar to avoid strong smells afterwards!

Vinegar to look after your gym towels
Image from

4. Keep Temperature In Check

Our laundry tip for good gym towel care is to keep the temperature in check. Knowing what water settings to choose makes the difference between good and bad results. Our recommendation is to use warm water for coloured towels for less chance of colour fading. Whereas hot water is best suited for white towels. Try not to mix the towels.

A rule of thumb is always read the labels to avoid gym towels with poor washing results and shrinking!

Washing Machine - look after your gym towels

5. Choose a Laundry Service

Our previous laundry tips were all if you were washing the gym towels yourself at home. However, if you live a busy lifestyle and are drowned by other responsibilities, Laundryheap is here to give you a hand and look after your gym towels!

You shouldn’t skip leg or arms day at the gym, but you can skip laundry day as we’ll do your laundry for you! You can put your gym towels in one bag, book a service with us, choose a collection day and we’ll arrive and return it back to you within 24 hours! All clean, fresh, and high quality!

Look after your gym towels with a Laundry service

When it comes to laundry, we do the heavy lifting! Enjoy your workout and follow our tips for good gym towel care use but if you have a busy day ahead, we are available to help you wash your gym towels!

Visit our website to book or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS and Android.


The Benefits of a Laundry Service For Your Restaurant

Restaurants have enough on their plates when it comes to business responsibilities. There are a lot of organisations involved, ordering food, preparing food, serving customers, cleaning and so on. Restaurants do need a helping hand, and this is where a laundry service comes in.

Here are the benefits of a Laundry Service for your restaurant!

1. Reduces Pressure on Staff

The nature of a restaurant is fast-paced and stressful. Every staff involved is on their feet for most of the shift and even when they finish their shift, the worry of cleaning their work uniform, aprons, kitchen linens or towels looms over their head.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way. To reduce the pressure on your staff, a laundry service can help your restaurant take care of the laundry and deliver it back to you within 24 hours!

Laundry services results in happier employees

2. Cleaner Items, Better Results

Booking a Laundry service will maintain the highest level of cleaning standards while maintaining the quality of your kitchen linens and chef gowns. Restaurants aren’t only judged for their food quality but also for how their staff are presented and with Laundryheap, we are there to help your restaurant stand out with professional cleaned and well-ironed kitchen work gear.

Not only will your kitchen laundry items look good, but this will also help enhance your restaurant’s hygiene image!

Laundry Service Results in cleaner environment

3. Saves Costs and Time

Running an in-house laundry adds extra costs to your restaurant. Not only are you paying for the machines, but you are also drowning your staff with more tasks. Purchasing laundry equipment isn’t cheap and neither is finding the staff to run these tasks consistently.

However, the proof is in the pudding; Paying for a laundry service will save you cost, time and stress because all you must do is book the date and schedule a collection and your laundry will be delivered back to your business within 24 hours. It’s as easy as 123!

Laundry service saves time

4. Better Preparations

Restaurants need to be prepared for the busiest days and seasons. By booking a laundry service, your restaurant can prepare and focus on other crucial business matters such as maintaining a high-quality food service. Next time, you get birthday parties or Christmas dinners at your restaurant, you’ll expect busy hours but with a laundry service, you’ll have that peace of mind that you can prepare better because Laundryheap will clean your kitchen aprons, and table linens etc. for you.

Laundry service means better preparations

5. Convenient

It goes without saying that convenience is the one major thing that customers and businesses aim for. We understand that laundering kitchen gowns, aprons and table linens take time but booking a laundry service brings convenience. at Laundryheap, no pile is too big for us, and we’ll get everything cleaned to a professional standard and deliver them back to your restaurant within 24 hours conveniently. 

Convenient for restaurant!

Laundryheap has worked with other businesses in different types of industries. We are always here to make work easier for businesses.

To get started, book a service with Laundryheap on our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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Laundry Mistakes You Could Be Making When Washing Your Sheets

You’ve put your bed sheets in the wash and they come out smelling nice! This may seem like the end of your laundry chores, but you could unintentionally be making laundry mistakes.

We’ve compiled a list of 5 laundry mistakes you could be making when washing your bedsheets. If you’re guilty of making these mistakes, it’s time to stop if you want your sheets to have a longer life span!

Washing Bedsheets - Laundry Mistakes

1. Washing Only When Sheets Look Visibly Dirty

A common laundry mistake most people make is they only wash their bedsheets when they are visibly dirty. This mistake leads to people washing their sheets every one or two months. Germs, sweats, and dirt build up over time and can cause negative effects to not only your sheets but also yourself. As a rule of thumb, wash every two weeks and you can even schedule your laundry if it helps you to remember! 

2. Leaving Your Bedsheets on the Tumble Dryer

Bedsheets need to be comfortable and in good condition for a good night’s sleep. However, if you’re leaving your bedsheets on the tumble dryer, you are making a laundry mistake because this will shrink your bedsheets. To avoid uncomfortable bed sheets getting in the way of good sleep, we recommend drying your sheets in the drying line or rack for better longevity and results!

3. Mixing With Other Clothes and Towels

You love your clothes, sheets, and towels but they don’t love each other. A laundry mistake people often make is they think mix their bedsheets with other clothes and towels. If you mix everything in the washing machine, it’s not efficient and the results won’t be great. Every material has a different washing process and needs more room to circulate. It’s best to have laundry days especially dedicated to your bedsheets for bigger space in the machine.

If you find yourself too busy to have laundry days for your bedsheets, book with us and we’ll launder them for you just before your bedtime!

4. Adding Too Much Laundry Detergent

It’s a common misconception that the dirtier the bedsheet, the more detergent it needs. Unfortunately, this laundry mistake has been proven to do far more harm than good to your sheets. Not only can they leave a stain, leaving them looking less clean, but they also can damage your sheets and your washing machine. The more laundry detergent used, the higher the water use.

We recommend using ½ cup of baking soda and vinegar to wash your bedsheets for silky and soft results.

5. Not Checking Label

Everyone has been guilty of ignoring labels on products and food so naturally, it’s a very common laundry mistake to not check the labels before you start washing your bedsheets. For proper laundry care, always read the labels carefully because every bedsheet has different washing requirements; cotton sheets are best washed at a lower temperature and some fabric bedsheets shouldn’t be ironed or put on the tumble dryer. 

If you follow the instructions, you’ll wash your bedsheets efficiently and keep them crisp and clean.

You’d be forgiven for not paying too close attention to washing your bedsheets but hopefully, our list of common laundry mistakes will save you some stress and frustration in the future!

Laundryheap is always available to do your bedsheets for you so you can get a cosy sleep at night.

Book your services at our website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android.

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Best Places To Visit In Denmark

If you’re considering visiting Denmark, you’ll be rewarded with a country that is overflowing with a rich history, vibrant surroundings, amazing architecture, etc. Located in Northern Europe, here are the best places to visit in Denmark.

  • Copenhagen
  • Helsingør
  • Aarhus
  • Humlebæk
  • Roskilde


When talking about the best places to visit in Denmark, it’s easy to start off with the capital city – Copenhagen. The city is a cultural and historical hub that you must explore when visiting Denmark. Castles such as Frederiksborg are full of history and are a tourist’s dream.

If you’re visiting Denmark with family, you can treat them to Scandinavia’s most popular theme park; Tivoli Gardens which is home to a variety of rides, concerts, and theatres. You can even stop for some ice cream (for the kids!).

We will give you a heads up, there are water rides which will wet your clothes but our dry-cleaning services can help you with that!


If you love literature, you’ll love Helsingør. The town of Helsingør is significant historically because of its Shakespearean past and is one of the best places to visit in Denmark. The Kronborg Castle is popular among tourists and will make you feel part of a fairytale! The castle was the setting of William Shakespeare’s play; Hamlet. Wherever you go in Helsingør, it’s full of culture from museums, churches, and elegant palaces like the Fredensborg Palace.


Aarhus is a must when visiting Denmark. Originally starting as a Viking settlement in the eighth century, the city today is a major attraction with a vibrant city atmosphere, and it was named a European Capital of Culture in 2017. You’ll want to make sure your camera is ready because there are plenty of colourful buildings that will be great for your Instagram feed! An iconic spot to visit in Aarhus is the ARoS Aarhus Art Museum. You don’t have to be an art-lover to appreciate the sculpture of this gorgeous museum!

If you want to have a relaxed day, you can always visit the parks in Aargus Botanical Gardens and picnic there with your family! If you make a mess on your picnic mat or drop food on your clothes, Laundryheap has got you covered!


Humlebæk is a small town that is worth visiting in Denmark. The town’s main attraction is the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art which is celebrated by artists and lovers of art regularly. What makes this museum popular is that it displays the works of famous artists such as Pablo Picasso, Yves Klein etc.

After you’ve visited the museums, the town also offers must-try coffees at the Louisiana Café. If you’re visiting Denmark and humlebæk in the summer, sit back, enjoy your coffee and get your camera ready to take pictures of the views from the café!


We’ve mentioned Denmark’s rich history but one of the best places to visit in Denmark is Roskilde. Formerly Denmark’s capital city, Roskilde would amaze tourists who are keen to learn more about Vikings because you can visit the Viking Ship Museum and step back into time and relive the Vikings Era (don’t worry, it’s all educational fun!).  

Roskilde also prides itself on hosting a music festival, the largest in Northern Europe. If you want to just vibe and sing out loud at the festivals, you are in the right place!

Visiting Denmark should be on your bucket list. Book your flights, experience the vibrant cities, visit the beautiful parks, and explore the city’s history through museums and castles!

Laundryheap services are also available in Denmark. If you ever feel like your laundry is piling up and getting in the way of your adventure, visit our website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android so we can do your laundry for you!

Visit Denmark - Laundry services
Laundryheap Services

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On-Demand Laundry Service Laundryheap Acquires Laundrapp!

Laundryheap has completed the acquisition of Laundrapp, one of the key competitors in the UK laundry market industry. Founded in 2014 as a start-up on-demand laundry service, Laundryheap’s mission was to give the public a convenient laundry service and the growth certainly hasn’t stopped! Acquiring Laundrapp is a testament to the astronomical rise of Laundryheap.

What does this mean for Laundryheap?

The acquisition of Laundrapp means Laundryheap has expanded its regional reach across the UK, making us the market leader in the UK. Previously, Laundrapp acquired Wash box and merged with competitor Zipjet.

CEO and Founder Deyan Dmitrov made the following comments:

‘The acquisition of Laundrapp is a testament to the resilience of our model and ongoing demand for high-quality, reliable on-demand laundry services. We’re delighted to be expanding our UK footprint‘ Source: City A.M

Essentially, this also means Laundryheap’s customer base has increased. The hard work doesn’t stop, and the mission and objectives will remain the same. Laundryheap will still make it a key priority to give you, the consumer, the best on-demand laundry service that is fast, easy, and convenient for your laundry duties!

Laundry Made Easier with Laundryheap

What will happen to Laundrapp?

Laundrapp’s employees will be retained. Before the acquisition of Landrapp, both laundry services worked to make laundry easier for everyone and this won’t change now! We are looking forward to welcoming the team from Laundrapp and getting involved in working together!

Over the coming months, however, the Laundrapp brand will be replaced by the Laundryheap brand.

What’s next for Laundryheap?

The magnitude of Laundryheap’s success has been massive. Operating globally in countries such as UAE, Denmark, Singapore, Netherlands, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Ireland and USA was a success in its own right. Becoming the main market leader in the UK now bodes well for the future. There is still a (laundry) list of goals and objectives that we’ll work on.

The focus on helping the environment, even more, remains a priority still. Laundryheap has recently invested in e-cargo bikes. It’s great that customers get their laundry cleaned within 24 hours but doing it in a sustainable way is the icing on the cake!

on-demand laundry service!

We would like to thank everyone that has been involved in the journey since 2014! The Laundryheap members, partners and especially the customers have all been essential to the success and growth!

Book with Laundryheap today by visiting our website or downloading the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android.


How to manage your laundry

Image by Aqua Mechanical

If not managed properly, laundry can be a daunting task to take on. That being said, with these 10 useful tips your laundry can become simple, efficient, and a lot easier to manage. 

  • Choose a laundry day
  • Make sure you aren’t over-washing your clothes
  • Use two hampers
  • Buy an immediate laundry hamper
  • Invest in a lingerie bag
  • Treat stains straight away
  • Use an effective system
  • Do something productive whilst waiting 
  • Fold your clothes straight away
  • Use Laundryheap 

Choose a laundry day 

To begin managing your laundry its best to choose a specific day to do your laundry on. Firstly, this will give you a time scale of when you need all of your dirty laundry sorted by. Secondly, if you assign a specific day to the task then you know what will be going on that day and therefore have no excuses for not doing your laundry. 

Make sure you aren’t over-washing your clothes

Before you put an item of clothing in your laundry hamper think about whether it actually needs to be washed. Items such as jeans, for example, don’t need to be washed frequently, and therefore should not be constantly in your laundry hamper. If your clothing is not stained and doesn’t smell bad consider why you are putting it in your laundry hamper and if there is an alternative way to clean the item. For example, if it’s covered in pet hair, use a lint roller to remove it. This method could cut down the amount of laundry that you need to wash and therefore the amount of time you will have to spend doing your laundry. 

Image by Aqua Mechanical

Use two hampers

One of the most time-consuming parts of doing laundry is separating your clothes into whites and colours. Save yourself from having to sift through a mountain of dirty laundry, and invest in two laundry hampers- one for white laundry and the other for coloured laundry. This will save you an abundance of time and make your laundry day as easy as possible. 

Image by Marco Verch

Buy an immediate laundry hamper 

If you want to make your laundry day even easier, invest in an immediate laundry hamper. This hamper is where you deposit all of the laundry that needs to be done ASAP- things such as underwear and stained clothing. Your immediate laundry hamper will let you know what clothing needs to be prioritised when it comes to washing and will save you from running out of essential clothing. 

Invest in a lingerie bag

Lingerie bags are commonly brought so that delicate underwear, such as those made from lace, are not damaged when washed. That being said, lingerie bags are also handy when washing socks. Put your socks inside the bag and put them in the washing machine with the rest of your clothes. The bag will prevent the machine from eating your socks and, if you’re doing a wash with other people, prevent you from being left with mismatched socks. 

 Treat stains straight away

For the best chance of removing stains, you need to treat them as soon as possible. Rather than putting your stained clothing in your laundry hamper and leaving it until laundry day, it’s best to treat the item as soon as you find it. This will not only give you the best chance of eliminating the stain but will also save you an abundance of time when it comes to doing your laundry. 

Use an effective system 

It’s useful to remember that not all clothing is effectively washed in the same way. Always read the care label of your clothing to deduce what will sustain your clothing for the longest. For example, it is always best to hand wash woollen jumpers and leave them flat on a towel to dry. Using the most effective cleaning method may slow down your laundry process, but it will ensure that your clothes stay looking new for longer

Do something productive whilst waiting

Washing cycles can take some time to finish, so do something productive whilst you are waiting. Hand wash some of your more delicate items of clothing, clean your house, catch up on some work, whatever it is that needs to be done utilise the time you have waiting for your laundry to be completed and get it done. That way, once you’ve completed your laundry you can completely relax for the rest of the day. 

Fold your clothes straight away 

Whichever way you decide to dry your clothes, it is very easy to leave them to sort and fold for another day. This should not be done. As soon as your clothes are dry you should fold them and put them in their rightful place. Not only will this avoid your clothes from wrinkling, therefore decreasing the time you will have to spend ironing, but it will also get the task out of the way. 

Use Laundryheap

If your laundry is piling up, then let us take the load off. Book your dry cleaning slot with us by heading to the Laundryheap website or by downloading the free Laundryheap app. 

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The 2-week self-isolation laundry challenge

Self-isolation is the perfect time to get to the bottom of your laundry basket by taking on our 2 week self-isolation laundry challenge. 

Week 1

Day 1- clean your machine 

Start by making sure that your washing machine is clean and ready to produce maximum results. To clean out your machine use a dishwasher tablet and run your washing machine through a hot wash cycle. This will clean the pipes, the drum and the rim of your washing machine and ensure that your clothes will come out clean and smelling fresh. 

Day 2- Wash your colours 

Tackle your coloured washing first. Separate your coloured laundry into lighter and darker colours if you have a lot to do, if not, it’s perfectly fine to wash your colours together. To prevent your colours from fading wash them at a cooler temperature and turn your laundry inside out.

Photo by Keith Williamson

Day 3- Wash your leathers

Leather can be difficult to clean, so take this opportunity to deep clean any leather items you may own. If you don’t want to use cleaning product on your leather, try something natural. Mix lemon juice with cream of tartar to remove spots and stains. 

Day 4- Give yourself a break 

Have a break from the laundry challenge and focus on other tasks. You could take this time to clean your home, or just relax and have some time to yourself. 

Day 5- Organise your supplies 

This challenge isn’t just about getting to the bottom of your laundry basket, it’s about taking the time to complete laundy tasks that you are usually too busy to do. Sort through your detergents and fabric softeners, throwing away any empty bottles and giving the area you keep your supplies a general tidy up. The more organised your supply area the easier, and quicker, it will be to put your load on. 

Day 6- Wash your whites 

It’s now time to tackle your whites. Make sure that you don’t overload your machine as this will result in the detergent having difficulty rotating through all of your clothing. For the best results, wash your whites on a hot wash and ensure that any tough stains have been dealt with pre-wash. 

Photo by Juliano Ferreira from Pexels

Day 7- Give yourself a break 

You have reached the end of the first week! You are halfway to completing the 2 week self-isolation laundry challenge, so have a break and relax before starting week 2. 

Week 2

Day 1- Make your own detergent 

Kick off your second week of the self-isolation challenge by making your own detergent. All you’ll need is Borax, washing soda, a bar of natural soap and a container to put it in. Making you own detergent is more environmentally friendly than buying it and will last for much longer. 

Photo by Marco Verch

Day 2- Sort through your linens

Linens can become rough and worn out over time, however, because we often don’t have the time to sort through them, they end up back in the linen cupboard. Take this time to go through your linen cupboard and throw away any items that can’t be salvaged. At the end of this task you will find your cupboard much tidier and your linens more manageable. 

Day 3- Wash your linens

Once you’ve sorted through your linens it’s time to wash them. To effectively get rid of bacteria, it is recommended that linens are washed on a hot wash cycle. To prevent fabric deteriorating always air dry. 

Day 4- Give yourself a break

The 2 week challenge is almost complete so it’s time to sit back and relax for the day before completing the final stretch.

Photo by AngryJulieMonday

Day 5- Hand wash your delicates

Delicate items of clothing, such as silk and lace, will last longer if you hand wash them. Use warm water and a detergent without enzymes. Don’t use too much detergent or you will leave a soapy residue that could cause stains. Give your delicates the time to air dry whilst you enjoy knowing that they will last longer because you didn’t use your washing machine. 

Day 6- Clean your shoes 

Getting your shoes dirty in inevitable, and yet we never find the time to properly clean them. Before you start, you need to consider the material of the shoes you are cleaning. Depending on the material depends on the method that you will have to use. Regardless of the shoe material, it is always useful to have a dry soft-bristle brush, or toothbrush, to hand as it will be an essential tool. Cleaning your shoes whilst in self-isolation will mean that when you do go outside you can dazzle everyone with your shiny shoes. 

Day 7- Your challenge has been completed! 

CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed the 2-week self-isolation challenge. Use today to finish up any laundry tasks that haven’t been done- folding your dry laundry, etc. Then, sit back and bask in the glory of finally reaching the bottom of your laundry basket. 

Photo by ADoseofShipBoy

If there are certain items that you didn’t want to wash yourself during this challenge why not use our laundering services. Head to the Laundryheap website, or use our app, and book your slot. We now offer hot washes and a contactless service, keeping in mind the current situation. 


Does your Zodiac sign match your laundry habits?

Do you love to do laundry every week? Or are you more of a, leave your dirty clothes in a heap until they HAVE to be cleaned, kind of person? Regardless, your laundry habits could be a result of your Zodiac sign. Find your sign and let us know how accurate we were.

  • Aquarius- the eco-washer 
  • Pisces- the generous washer 
  • Aries- the impatient washer 
  • Taurus- the resilient washer
  • Gemini- the sneaky washer 
  • Cancer- the loyal washer
  • Leo- the dominant washer 
  • Virgo- the strict washer 
  • Libra- the friendly washer 
  • Scorpio- the determined washer 
  • Sagittarius- the lazy washer 
  • Capricorn- the disciplined washer
  • Helping all the signs

Aquarius- the eco washer 

If you’re an Aquarius then you are all about solving the problems of the world. You’re a humanitarian, progressive and intent on saving the world. That’s why when you wash you do it in the most eco-friendly way. Always using the most natural detergents, or making your own, and never buying laundry products that contain single-use plastic. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Pisces- the generous washer  

This Zodiac sign is compassionate and intuitive, always willing to lend a hand. When it comes to their laundry, they’re the first to dish out the detergent and share their fabric softener. They’re an empathetic individual, always ready to help others in or out of the laundromat. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Aries- the impatient washer 

Aries are enthusiastic and determined individuals and are always the first to put on their washing. However, this zodiac sign is notorious for being short-tempered and impatient- if their washing can’t be done on a ‘Quick-15’ setting it can lead to tantrums. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Taurus- the resilient washer 

The complete opposite of the Aries, a Taurus is patient and resilient. A Taurus will always see a task through and will patiently wait for their washing to be done- no matter how long that may take. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Gemini- the sneaky washer

Gemini’s have a tendency to be restless. They can’t stay still for too long, so washing their clothes proves to be their worst nightmare. Watch out, because their quick-witted and gentle nature makes them very appealing and could lead to them off-loading their dirty laundry on you. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Cancer- the loyal washer 

Cancer proves to be the most loyal Zodiac sign of them all. After finding a laundry detergent that works for them they will never leave it. They are very pessimistic about new detergents and softeners making their way into the laundry market and would much rather stick to their tried and tested methods. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Leo- the dominant washer

This fire sign dominates every aspect of their life, including the way they do their laundry. They are natural-born leaders with a knack for organisation, so their laundry is always perfectly timed and completed on schedule. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Virgo- the strict washer

Virgo’s are analytical, hard-working and practical. They often have a methodical approach to life and they treat their laundry in the same way. Their clothes are washed on a schedule and in the most practical way.

Photo by Numerology Sign

Libra- the friendly washer

The Libra will avoid confrontation at any cost, so if you’re looking for someone to do your washing for you search for a Libra. They are one of the more social zodiac signs, so, if you do ask them to do your washing, make sure you sit and have a chat with them first. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Scorpio- the determined washer 

Scorpio’s are determined. Any task they set their mind to will be completed, whether it’s a project at work, or getting to the bottom of their laundry heap. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Sagittarius- the lazy washer 

The Sagittarius is constantly on the move. They love to travel and hate being confined in one space for too long. Undoubtedly, they won’t even begin their washing until they have absolutely nothing left to wear. They are too curious for washing- they want to explore the world, not their laundry basket. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Capricorn- the disciplined washer 

Capricorns possess a sense of discipline and self-control like none of the other Zodiac signs. Everything in their lives in spotless- especially their laundry. They are excellent managers and take full control over their lives, including their laundry, which is always done to the highest standard. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Helping all the Zodiac Signs 

Regardless of your Zodiac sign, at Laundryheap we can pick up, launder and deliver your clothes back to you within 24 hours, completely free of charge. Download the Laundryheap app to book your time slot.