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Moving To Paris – Guide

Whether you’re moving to Paris because of work or study, it’s undoubtedly a big chapter in your life. It’s a chapter that presents lots of excitement and challenges. Paris has the romantic charm, rich history, delicious food, and vibrant culture that makes it an attraction for many. To help you settle in the city of lights, we’ve prepared a guide on moving to Paris – the capital of France.

moving to paris - eiffel tower
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Find the perfect work/life balance whilst working from home

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

One of the biggest challenges of working from home is establishing your work/life balance. It’s too easy to send one quick email, and end up working until the middle of the night from the comfort of your bed. Follow these tips to establish the perfect work/life balance whilst you’re working from home.

  • Establish your workspace
  • Stick to a routine
  • Give yourself time in the morning 
  • Make a to-do list 
  • Plan your breaks
  • Schedule social events 
  • Check-in with yourself 
  • Use your out-of-office 
  • Leave your work at the end of the day 
  • Avoid work at the weekends 

Establish your workspace 

Bringing your work into your home can feel like an invasion. Suddenly your safe space becomes your workspace as well, and it can feel overwhelming trying to separate the 2. That is why it is important to establish a workspace. If you have a spare room in your home that you can turn into a home office that’s great, but if you don’t, use a corner of any room. Confining your working environment to 1 room or corner will make it easier for you to establish the areas of your home where you need to be in work mode and the areas where you can relax

Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

Stick to a routine 

When we were travelling to work we were in a routine. Now that routine has been disrupted it’s time to establish a new one. A routine will help you to set boundaries between when you are working and when you are not. Your body and brain will begin to notice when you need to focus on work and when you can relax, despite both happening under the same roof. Your routine doesn’t have to be extensive, it can simply be establishing a time to get up every morning, but having one will make separating your work time and downtime a lot easier. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Give yourself time in the morning 

It’s all too easy to roll out of bed in the morning and open your laptop straight away. Although this means that you can sleep in later than you normally would on a workday, it also means that your mind and body haven’t had time to wake up before you start working. Instead, wake up half an hour to an hour before you start work and allow yourself time to properly wake. You don’t necessarily have to do anything strenuous in this time, perhaps simply get up and enjoy a morning beverage, but it’s important to allow yourself time to fully wake up before straining yourself with work. 

Photo by Daniela Constantini from Pexels

Make a to-do list 

To-do lists are excellent at focusing the mind and allowing you to set clear goals for your day. Before you start work, jot down everything that you have to do that day, and in the order that you will do them in. This will help you clear your mind and focus solely on the tasks at hand, whilst also giving yourself an indication of when you can finish work for the day. That being said, don’t panic if you don’t get everything on your to-do list completed before the day is done. You shouldn’t be working any later than your contracted hours, and anything that you haven’t done can wait for tomorrow. 

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Plan your breaks 

Breaks are important whether you are working from home or in an office. You should be taking breaks every hour for a minimum of 10 minutes to give your eyes a break from your screen and to move your body. Every hour get up from your workspace and move to another area of your home. For 5-10 minutes do something non-work-related, such as have a walk around your home, read a book, or listen to music. This will give your brain time to rest and reset before taking on the next hour of work. 

Photo by Jack Sparrow from Pexels

Schedule social events 

It’s important that you don’t let your work take over your home as a safe and comforting area to relax. To prevent this from happening, schedule social events for after work and the weekends. This could be dinner with friends, a coffee, or even just watching a movie with a loved one. Whatever it is, it’s important that your home remains your home and not an extension of your workplace. 

Photo by olia danilevich from Pexels

Check in with yourself 

Burnout is very common with individuals who work from home because they don’t establish a strong work/life balance. Rather than finishing work at a set time, they continue working throughout the night because they don’t physically have to leave the space they are in. This can cause a rapid decline in mental health and can result in you becoming both mentally and physically unwell. To prevent yourself from experiencing burnout check in with yourself every week to make sure that the way you are working is working for you. If you notice that you are fatigued or overwhelmed, take a step back and evaluate how you can alter the way that you are working. It may also be beneficial to reach out to friends, family, or HR to express how you are feeling. Remember that no work is more important than your health and wellbeing. 

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels

Use your out-of-office 

Similar to checking in with yourself, if you are particularly busy or feel like you need some time to yourself, don’t be afraid to use your out-of-office to let colleagues know that you don’t want to be contacted. This can be incredibly helpful when you are feeling overwhelmed and you need to refocus your mind. You can turn your out-of-office on and off as and when it suits you, so don’t be afraid to use it. 

Photo by Lukas from Pexels

Leave your work at the end of the day  

As soon as the end of the workday comes, move away from your work. Do not get stuck in the trap of finishing something off quickly, or answering one more email, because you will find yourself working hours after you’re scheduled to leave work. Instead, when the end of the work day comes, finish off the task you were doing, or leave it at a sensible end for you to pick up on tomorrow, and physically remove yourself from your workspace. It isn’t until you physically remove yourself from the area that you will be able to completely relax and enjoy the rest of your day. It’s crucial that you set these boundaries. 

Photo by Cup of Couple from Pexels

Avoid work at the weekends 

Another crucial boundary for you to set is to avoid doing work at the weekends. The weekend is when you can completely relax, reset your mind, and give yourself time to rest. Just because your work is at home and easily accessible does not mean that you should be doing it in your downtime. Instead, avoid going near your workspace during the weekend, and take the time to do something enjoyable and fun. This will help you to establish the difference between your working life at home and your relaxing life at home, helping you to establish a solid work/life balance. 

Photo by Ivan Babydov from Pexels

Working from home is stressful, and laundry only adds to that stress. Instead of overwhelming yourself, book a Laundryheap order today and let us tick one thing off of your list. To book your Laundryheap order today simply head to the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app.

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Top tips for getting back to work 

The Christmas decorations are down, the festive food has been eaten, and the new year has well and truly begun. Your first day back at work is looming and it seems like Christmas was only yesterday. Don’t worry though, because these tips will have you feeling ready to get back to work in no time. 

  • Get organised 
  • Wear your mood
  • Schedule your time for you
  • Set goals 
  • Eat happy 
  • Catch up with your colleagues 
  • Try to keep a positive attitude 
  • Give yourself a break 

Get organised 

As the saying goes: fail to prepare, prepare to fail. The evening before your first day back at work get everything you need for the next day organised. Think about what you are going to wear and make sure that each item is freshly washed and ironed. Pack your bag, making sure that you have everything you need, including a spare charger, keys, purse, etc. This will prevent a mad rush to find missing items in the morning. Finally, make sure that you have breakfast provisions. Even if your breakfast is a coffee and a breakfast bar, make sure that you have the essentials in. Even if you are working from home it’s important to be organised the night before your first day back as it will help you get back into a working mindset. 

Photo by Adrienne Andersen from Pexels

Wear your mood

Whether you are working from home or back in the office, wearing your mood will make your first day back at work a lot more enjoyable. Whether you want to dress in a colour that makes you happy, wear a piece of jewellery you received for Christmas, or wear an outfit that makes you think of a fond memory, wearing something that makes you smile will make your first day at work a little less painful. 

Photo by from Pexels

Schedule your time for you

It can be overwhelming going back to work after an extended period of time off, so it’s important that you schedule your time. Rather than scheduling a week full of meetings and catch-ups, schedule your time for you. Use your first day back as a way to ease in to your workflow. Blocking out time to look through your emails, catch up on projects, and evaluate what there is to do. Your first day, or even your first week, back at work may not seem very productive, but it is a great opportunity to reorganise yourself, and your time, ready for the year ahead.  

Photo by Bich Tran from Pexels

Set goals 

During your first day, or week, back at work think about what you want for the upcoming year. You may have made personal new years resolutions, but what about your professional ones? What are your professional goals for this year and how are you going to achieve them? You won’t be able to get back into the flow of work without knowing what goals you are working towards achieving, so use your time wisely to think about what you want. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Eat happy 

They say that you are what you eat, so eating happy will make you happy. By eating happy, we mean eating food that makes you feel good. This should be food that is nutritious, balanced, and, above all, tastes amazing. Eating a well-balanced and nutritious meal will keep your energy up throughout the workday. You may also want to make your plate as colourful as possible as looking at bright and vibrant colours is proven to make us feel happier. 

Photo by joost van os from Pexels

Catch up with your colleagues

On your first day back at work make time to catch up with your colleagues. It may feel like you have so much to do that you don’t have time to catch up, but it’s important to make time to socialise with the people you work with and show an interest in their lives outside of the office. Schedule a coffee break with your work friends, even if just for 30 minutes, to catch up on what they’ve been up to and share holiday anecdotes. You can even share your first-day back stresses.  You, and your colleagues, will feel a lot better afterwards.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Try to keep a positive attitude  

Going back to work can be incredibly stressful and overwhelming. It’s much easier said than done, but on your first day back, try and keep a positive attitude. Focus on the positives of going back to work, such as seeing colleagues and getting back in to a routine, rather than the stressful aspects. This will help to keep your stress levels low, and help you manage your workload better. Just remember that the first day back is hard for everyone, so a positive attitude can brighten your day as well as everyone else’s. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Give yourself a break

The most important thing to remember when getting back to work is to give yourself a break. Accept that you will have a lot to catch up on, but won’t be as productive as you many want to be. Give yourself time to ease back into your routine, catch-up with colleagues, and think about what you want from the upcoming year. Start your year at work off right by being kind to yourself. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Whilst you get back to work, we will tick laundry off of your to-do list. To book your Laundryheap order head to the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app. 

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How to be happy at work

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

They say that if you love what you do then you will never work a day in your life. No matter how much you love your job, there will always be times when you feel stressed, unmotivated, and/or overwhelmed. When you find yourself having one of these days, this is what you can do to make yourself feel happier. 

  • Start your day off positively 
  • Create a to-do list
  • Eat and drink healthily 
  • Make sure you move
  • Create a mood-boosting playlist
  • Know your support system
  • Create an office home
  • Take your full lunch break 
  • Don’t put too much pressure on yourself 
  • Think about the positives

Start your day off positively 

How you feel in the morning will set the tone for the rest of your day. If you start off your day with a positive morning routine, then you are more likely to enjoy the rest of your day. Your positive morning routine could include having 6-8 hours of sleep every night, doing a 30-minute workout or yoga session, practicing mindfulness, or making sure that you eat a healthy and balanced breakfast. Whatever your routine is, it should include activities that make you feel happy and ready to take on the day. 

Photo by jonas mohamadi from Pexels

Create a to-do list 

Creating a to-do list is scientifically proven to reduce stress and anxiety by allowing you to structure your day around what has to be achieved. If you find yourself overwhelmed with your workload, try separating your tasks into what needs to be completed as soon as possible, what needs to be completed within the week/month, and what can wait to be completed at a later date. This will help you to prioritise your tasks so that you can focus solely on what needs to be completed urgently. In addition, checking off each item on your list will give you a sense of accomplishment which will help spur you on to complete your next task. 

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

Eat and drink healthily 

Staying hydrated and eating a healthy and balanced diet can improve concentration, make you more alert, and boost your energy levels. The human brain is 75% water and requires a constant flow of it to carry out every conscious function. If you do not stay adequately hydrated, your brains cells can not function at the level they should, leading to a lower attention span. Similarly, the brain is fuelled by what we eat and it needs vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to function at its highest capacity. If you deprive your brain of the nutrients it needs this will lead to a lower mood, lowered concentration, and headaches. 

Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

Make sure you move

When you are concentrating on a task it can be easy to let time slip away from you. Before you know it, you’ve been hunched over your desk for hours without moving. Walking away from your workspace, if only for a few minutes, re-stimulates the brain and improves productivity. Throughout the day walk to another area of your office, to a colleagues desk, or even outside for a quick breath of fresh air. Being in a different environment or with another colleague can distract you from your work for a few minutes until you have reset your mood and you are back to feeling positive and ready to work. 

Photo by Alexander Suhorucov from Pexels

Create a mood-boosting playlist

Studies have found that when you listen to upbeat music when you are feeling down your mood will lift. This is because the music triggers the release of dopamine, which is a chemical that makes us feel happy. If you are feeling particularly down or stressed at work, have a mood-boosting playlist on hand, filled with all of your favourite upbeat songs. Your mood will be lifted before the playlist has finished. 

Photo by Michael Burrows from Pexels

Know your support system

Work can be an incredibly stressful environment so it’s important to know what support systems there are in place. Most workplaces will have a HR team who you can talk to about your workload. Some workplaces also have additional support systems such as mental health officers, in-house therapists, or mental health days. Explore these options and discuss with your manager or HR team what might work best for you. Aside from this, it’s good to have a support network of colleagues who you can unwind and vent with. These friends will offer an escape in the middle of the work day when you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Create an office home

Surrounding yourself with items that bring you comfort can lead you to feeling more relaxed and happy at work. It’s important to remember that your desk is a professional space, however, a couple of pictures, plants, and decorations that make you smile can bring you joy whilst you’re working. 

Photo by Anthony Shkraba from Pexels

Take your full lunch break

When you are focused on a task it can be easy to let time escape you. That being said, it is important that you take your full lunch break, regardless of how busy you are. Taking a rest in the middle of the day to step away from your work, eat a healthy meal, and rehydrate will reset your brain and allow you to focus for the rest of the day. If possible, try to get out of your office building and go for a walk. The fresh air and moving your muscles will ease any built up tension, relax your body, and improve your mood. What will make your lunch break even better is if you can share it with someone. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself 

It’s hard to not put pressure on yourself when it comes to work, but to stay happy it’s important to try and not pressure yourself too much. Putting too much pressure on yourself can lead to being unproductive and feeling disappointed in your abilities. Rather than pressuring yourself to complete an inconceivable amount of tasks in a day, set yourself reasonable goals and feel proud when you’ve achieved each of them. Even if you don’t achieve all of your goals each day, be proud of what you have accomplished rather than focusing on what you haven’t.

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Think about the positives 

Similarly to not putting too much pressure on yourself, it’s important to think about the positives of your work day rather than the negatives. At the end of each day, think about what you have achieved and the goals that you have accomplished. Alongside this, think about any positive things that have happened throughout your day that made you happy. This could include having lunch with a friend, a positive conversation with a manager, or even just a nice biscuit with your tea. Even the smallest positives can make you smile and feel happier about your day at work. 

Photo by Michael Burrows from Pexels

When you get home from work the last thing you want to do is laundry. So, let us do your laundry for you instead. Simply head to the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app to book your order today. 

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How To Make A Good First Impression At An Interview

If you’ve got an interview coming up and need some help preparing for it, we have a few tips that will help you make a good first impression and increase the chances of you being hired.

How To Make A Good First Impression At An Interview

  • Do your research
  • Dress for the role
  • Arrive on time
  • Be organised
  • Know your core values
  • Show enthusiasm
  • Share relevant stories
  • Take strategic pauses
  • Don’t forget to smile 
  • Have confidence

Do Your Research

Prepare yourself for any questions that might be asked about the company as well as yourself. Make sure to do some research about what the company does and to analyse yourself- your strengths, weaknesses, and areas you may need to improve on. 

Dress For The Role

Your interview attire is one of the key points that will make an impact on your first impression. If you underdress, it will seem as if you’re not that interested, but overdress, and it will look as if you’re unpleasantly trying too hard. If you’re unsure of what to wear, check out these interview attire tips. If you need your clothes professionally cleaned and ironed, schedule a collection with Laundryheap.

Arrive On Time

Arrive early but not too early. Allow yourself to arrive at least 10 minutes before the allocated time to not only prepare yourself but to show that you are punctual. If you happen to be running late, let them know as soon as possible as this shows a sense of professionalism.

Be Organised

No interviewer wants to hire someone who is disorganised. Make sure you bring everything needed for the interview and present them neatly organised into a plastic file or folder so that it is readily accessible when needed.

Know Your Core Values

Going back to what I mentioned earlier, it’s essential to know your strengths and core values that you could add to the company. Know your weaknesses and how you are currently improving them. Interviewers will try to see what you are capable of by the answers you give them. Sometimes they will also ask ‘irrelevant’ questions that are supposed to test specific skill sets they’re looking for, like whether you’re a problem solver.

Show Enthusiasm

Don’t forget that you’ve been invited for the interview because they think you might have the right skills for the job and are interested to know more about you. If you want to make a good impression to increase your chances of getting hired, show the same interest back. Show how and why you are the right person for the job and that you can add value to the company. 

Share Relevant Stories

Most of the time, interviewers will ask questions that they should already know the answer to because it’s on your CV. What they really want to hear is a story as to how you came across attaining this skill and how you use or have used it.

Take Strategic Pauses

Naturally, you may need to take a few moments during the interview to gather your thoughts. A simple trick is to take a few sips of water now and then when you need to refresh your mind. Usually, they will offer you a beverage but have water with you just in case.

Don’t Forget To Smile 

While eye contact is essential, you shouldn’t forget to smile. Remember to smile upon meeting your interviewer and at appropriate times during the interview. It will radiate positivity and show that you know how to communicate well with others, giving you a higher chance for consideration to be hired. 

Have Confidence

Being prepared for an interview won’t stop the natural habit of being nervous. The only way to overcome that is by thinking positively and being confident. Be confident with what you already know and give it your best shot!


10 Ways To Relax After A Stressful Day At Work

We all experience a stressful day at work, sometimes a stressful week. Then you go home and have other household responsibilities to take care of like cooking and doing the laundry, making you more stressed. Over time, this can affect your well-being, mentally and physically.

It’s important to give yourself some downtime to relax. If you find it difficult to unwind and want an instant solution to de-stress, here are some things you can do to help you relax after work.

10 Ways To Relax After A Stressful Day At Work

  • Go for a walk

It’s always good to walk off the stress and clear your mind after a long day. If you have the opportunity to walk after work even if it’s to a bus stop or from the station, then take it. It ‘s even better if you can take a quick stroll through a park. 

If the tension is too much and you need to escape the stress during work, go out and get some fresh air or take a quick walk around the building.

  • Listen to music

Shut the world out and relax your mind by listening to music that will instantly make you feel change your mood for the better. Promote calmness and relaxation by listening to music that sounds soothing, or listen to upbeat music to help brighten up your mood and bust the stress.

  • Have a laugh with friends

Call your friends and have a catch-up or have a spontaneous after-work meet up. Vent about how bad your day was and then change the topic to get your mind off things. It’s always good to laugh as this releases endorphins making you instantly feel better.

  • Watch Netflix

Whether it’s on your journey home via public transport or during the spare hours you have left before you go to bed, watch a movie or series on Netflix. Have a laugh and watch a stand-up comedy or be entertained by discovery or baking show. 

  • Have a cup of tea

Sit back and enjoy a nice cup of tea while watching series or reading a book. Tea such as green tea, peppermint tea and Jasmine tea, are known remedies for relieving stress and anxiety.

  • Aromatherapy

Relax and unwind by using essential oils to regulate emotions and help calm your nerves. There are several ways to use essentials oils. You can add a few drops of essential oil to your lotion or directly on your wrists to keep the scent with you. You can use a diffuser to spread the aroma around your home, or mix it with water in a spray bottle and spray on your furniture.

  • Take a hot bath with essential oils

Take a soothing hot bath to relax your muscles and ease the tension in your body. Try adding a few drops of essential oils to your bath water like Lavender or pink grapefruit. Alternatively, you can light up aromatic candles around your bath tub or take a hot shower.

  • Do yoga

Find serenity by doing 15-20 mins of yoga. This mind-body practice will help you to unwind and release tension, leaving you feeling refreshed and restored. The combination of poses, breathing and meditation will help to enhance your mood and well-being.

  • Art therapy

Distract your mind and occupy yourself by doing something creative like draw, paint, sew or do a DIY and make something.

  • Use Laundryheap

Laundry is a daunting household task that takes up a lot of time that we sometimes don’t have. It is certainly not something you want to do after coming home from a long day at work either. No matter how big or small your laundry pile is, take the load off and get Laundryheap to take care of your laundry so you can then have more time to relax and pamper yourself.

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Work-Life Balance Tips For Busy Working Parents

The struggle of every full-time working parent is maintaining the balance between work and family life. It’s almost the same busy routine every day, trying to survive the juggling act of various errands and activities.

So, how can you balance work and family life? Here are work-life balance tips for busy working parents.

Work-Life Balance Tips For Busy Working Parents

  • Get organised the night before
  • Plan meals ahead
  • Create a family calendar
  • Leave work at work
  • Let your partner help you
  • Organise family time
  • Look after yourself
  • Spend quality time with your partner
  • Quit being a perfectionist
  • Outsource tasks

Get Organised The Night Before

Every morning may seem like a rush. Waking up early to prepare everything for your kids- their clothes, their breakfast, their lunch, and everything else they will need for the day. You also need to get ready for work or to run errands.

To make things in the morning go smoother, minimise tasks in the morning by getting things organised the night before. Lay out your clothes for you and your kids, make packed lunches and have their bags ready to pick up and go.

Plan Meals Ahead

Save meal prep time through the day and after work by planning meals ahead. Preparing healthy home-cooked meals can be pretty time-consuming. Prepare and chop up your ingredients in advance and keep them well-stored, pre-cook food and keep them in the freezer to be fully cooked later in the day or days in advance.

Create A Family Calendar

Having a family calendar will help you keep track of the various after-school activities your children may have and events or details for you and your partner too. It will help you manage your time well and also encourage your kids to be more responsible and organised. 

You can include individual household tasks for your children as well as homework due dates and appointments.

Make sure that the family calendar is in an easily accessible and commonly used place, like the kitchen. 

Leave Work At Work

A common thing most parents tend to do is bring their work problems home instead of leaving them at work.

Turn off your work email and avoid doing anything work-related. If you have to do work at home or are self-employed, try to work in a closed area in your house like at a desk in your room or office, if you have one, to avoid doing work around your family.

If at work, you know you have so much to do, try to manage your tasks effectively so this doesn’t affect you when you get home. 

Let Your Partner Help You

Divide your family/ home responsibilities with your partner. Communicate regularly and work together to accomplish tasks. You can maybe take turns to cook meals or run errands if you’re finding it difficult to make time for it.

Organise Family Time

Spend an hour every night or a day every week to spend time with your family. Instead of being in the house altogether doing your own thing, do something together. Have a family meal, watch a movie or play some games. It doesn’t have to be anything special, as long as you are relaxed and enjoying each other’s company. It’s also a great opportunity to get updated with any news.

Look After Yourself

While your family is your priority, you must never forget to look after yourself too. With so much going, it can be easy to put your needs last without thinking about the consequences. It’s essential to take care of your well-being to help manage stress levels and maintain a healthy state of mind and relationship with your family. 

Make sure you get enough sleep or at least have time to take naps. Eat healthily and refrain from eating takeaways often as this can make you feel sluggish. Try to keep active by exercising or doing a fun activity.

Spend Quality Time With Your Partner

You have to remember that you and your partner are a team. You help each other out with the responsibilities as parents. Make an effort to spend some quality time with your partner at least once a week or have a date night at least once a month. It will help improve and maintain your communication with each other as well as being able to enjoy each other’s company without the kids.

Quit Being A Perfectionist

No one is perfect, so quit trying to be. It’s okay if your home is a little messy and you’re behind on a few chores. Set yourselves a few tasks at a time instead of all at once and don’t try to multitask when you’re spending time with your family. Keep your house clean as a busy parent with these tips.

Outsource Tasks

Remember, if sometimes there are some things you can’t do, you can always outsource them! Do your grocery shopping online and get it delivered to you or get laundryheap to do your laundry and ironing for you. Whether you’re short on time or you forgot to do it, outsource the task if you can.

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How To Increase Productivity At Work

Do you feel, on some days, that you haven’t been able to accomplish everything you needed to do at work because you’ve just felt unproductive? If the answer is always, try these following tips.

How To Increase Productivity At Work

  • Take regular breaks

Working longer hours (or straight hours) won’t help you get more work done. In fact, it only drains our energy more because we’re forcing ourselves to get the job done! This ironically decreases our productivity levels, making us believe that we need more time to complete tasks.

Taking regular breaks will help refresh our concentration levels. Take a 5-10 mins break  every few hours or so. Use it to take a walk around the office or to stretch! This will help boost your mood and energy levels.

  • Work smart

Being productive doesn’t mean you have to work hard; you need to work smart. By working smart, I mean, get your tasks done faster at a shorter time rather than dedicating more than enough time necessary into one specific task. If you want your job to be completed quicker, the trick is to find the easiest possible way to do it and in good time. Here are several ways you can work smart:

  • Mange your time well

Track and limit how much time you’re spending on tasks. Apply the ‘two minute rule’ when necessary. This in basic terms is: if you can do that task or action within two minutes then do it now! This will create more time for the more important tasks.

Split your more time consuming work into batches and give yourself less time than you actually need to complete work (you’ll be able to complete it faster that way!). Try 90 minute intervals for example.

Tackle the heavier tasks when you’re most alert, don’t force yourself to do them when you’ve just started your shift. Get yourself settled on simpler tasks at the start of your day before going into the bigger tasks. 

  • Stop multi-tasking

We think by multitasking, we’ll be able to get more things done, but the reality is, we’re actually left with trying to juggle and divide our attention into multiple tasks. This habit makes us work slower because we’re doubling and even tripling up our time. Just focus on one task at a time and manage your time well in doing so.

  • Keep notes to yourself

Noting down tasks you need to do is one way to work smart. Avoid uncompleted small areas of work and the question of ‘Wasn’t there something else I had to do?!’ by jotting down your upcoming tasks, especially if you have so many to keep track of.

This method will keep your mind prepared for the workload you’ll be dealing with, as well as, knowing how to go about organising your day properly to complete those tasks. It will also help prepare yourself for the next working day! You don’t need to go home thinking about what you have to do tomorrow when you’ve already written it down.

Keep notes to yourself in a notebook, diary or even on apps! Getting yourself organised ahead of time will help you to work faster and will create more time for you to work at a calm pace. If it’s easier for you, you can also leave sticky notes at your desk or use the sticky notes app.

  • Reduce distractions:

Keep casual conversations to a minimum especially when you have a lot to do. Avoid using your personal social media (unless it’s a part of your job!). Keep phones on silent and away from your desk if possible. Most importantly, avoid thinking about non-related work things like what you’re going to eat later or what you need to do at home after work, like laundry. You can schedule a laundry collection anyway!

If you have any tips to being productive at work, please let us know in the comments sections! 🙂

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