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Essential tips for dressing for an interview

The way that you dress for an interview will give your employer an indication of whether you are the right candidate, so here are some essential tips for dressing for an interview

  • Research the company dress code
  • Wear what makes you confident
  • Make your outfit cohesive
  • Iron out the creases
  • Pay attention to your shoes
  • Don’t forget a bag
  • Add some personality

Research the company dress code

Before planning your interview outfit you need to first establish what the dress code is. When going for an interview, it’s best to dress for the job as this shows that you are ready to begin working as soon as possible. You don’t want to turn up to your interview in the wrong attire, so do some research into the company to either find an official dress code, or get a gist of what the dress code may be.

Wear what makes you confident 

A large part of succeeding in a job interview is down to how confident you appear. If you are confident in yourself and your abilities, then you will be able to speak clearly and precisely about why you are the best candidate for the job. When dressing for a job interview, wear clothing that brings out your confidence. If wearing heels doesn’t just give you a height boost, then wear a pair of heels. If wearing a different coloured shirt brings out the most confident side of you, then don’t force yourself to wear a plain white one. Help yourself by wearing an outfit that you are comfortable and confident in. 

Make your outfit cohesive

A well put together outfit means a well put together candidate, which is more likely to equate to a job offer. When picking your outfit, make sure that it is cohesive. Make sure that you have a definitive pattern or colour scheme that is followed throughout. Don’t forget about the finer details, such as accessories and shoes, which also need to fit with whatever clothing you have chosen. If you enter your interview in a cohesive outfit you are more likely to leave with a job offer.

Iron out the creases

Once you’ve decided on your perfect interview outfit, you have to check for imperfections. This means making sure that all creases are ironed out and double-checking that there are no loose threads, snags or holes. Once you have checked and ironed your outfit, make sure that you hang it up to avoid further creasing, and make sure that it is out of reach from pets, children and anything that may cause damage or stains.

Pay attention to your shoes

When picking an interview outfit you must pay attention to all of the details, including your shoes. You need to pick a pair of shoes that you are first and foremost comfortable walking in- you don’t want to have sore feet during your interview. This being said, your shoes must also look professional, well polished and be clear of any scuffs or holes. The night before your interview, make sure to clean and polish your shoes so that you can avoid fussing over them the day of your interview. 

Don’t forget a bag

It’s important to bring a bag to your interview because you need to carry your essentials. It’s best to carry a copy of your CV, in case the interviewer hasn’t printed a copy out, a laptop or Ipad, in case you need to show a digital portfolio, your ID, for proof of who you are, and a pack of mints to ensure that you have a fresh minty breathe before your interview. Make sure that you have a bag that can comfortably fit all of these essentials, without having to squeeze. Your bag must also be clean, clear of scuffs or holes, and, preferably, a plain colour, avoidant of logos or brand names. A bag can cement a professional look together so make sure that you make a wise decision on which one to take.

Add some personality 

Despite needing to look professional and adhering to the dress code, it’s important to show who you are in the way that you dress for your job interview. Your potential employer will be looking to learn, not only about the skills that you have but about who you are as a person and how you will fit amongst their team. Don’t be afraid of adding personality to your outfit, be that in the colours you choose or an accessory.

The first thing to think about when thinking of a job interview outfit is whether it is clean or not. Don’t worry, because we have you covered. Book your Laundryheap dry cleaning slot and we will dry clean and re-deliver your perfect interview outfit straight to your door. Book your slot now by heading to the Laundryheap website or by downloading the free Laundryheap app. 

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How To Make A Good First Impression At An Interview

If you’ve got an interview coming up and need some help preparing for it, we have a few tips that will help you make a good first impression and increase the chances of you being hired.

How To Make A Good First Impression At An Interview

  • Do your research
  • Dress for the role
  • Arrive on time
  • Be organised
  • Know your core values
  • Show enthusiasm
  • Share relevant stories
  • Take strategic pauses
  • Don’t forget to smile 
  • Have confidence

Do Your Research

Prepare yourself for any questions that might be asked about the company as well as yourself. Make sure to do some research about what the company does and to analyse yourself- your strengths, weaknesses, and areas you may need to improve on. 

Dress For The Role

Your interview attire is one of the key points that will make an impact on your first impression. If you underdress, it will seem as if you’re not that interested, but overdress, and it will look as if you’re unpleasantly trying too hard. If you’re unsure of what to wear, check out these interview attire tips. If you need your clothes professionally cleaned and ironed, schedule a collection with Laundryheap.

Arrive On Time

Arrive early but not too early. Allow yourself to arrive at least 10 minutes before the allocated time to not only prepare yourself but to show that you are punctual. If you happen to be running late, let them know as soon as possible as this shows a sense of professionalism.

Be Organised

No interviewer wants to hire someone who is disorganised. Make sure you bring everything needed for the interview and present them neatly organised into a plastic file or folder so that it is readily accessible when needed.

Know Your Core Values

Going back to what I mentioned earlier, it’s essential to know your strengths and core values that you could add to the company. Know your weaknesses and how you are currently improving them. Interviewers will try to see what you are capable of by the answers you give them. Sometimes they will also ask ‘irrelevant’ questions that are supposed to test specific skill sets they’re looking for, like whether you’re a problem solver.

Show Enthusiasm

Don’t forget that you’ve been invited for the interview because they think you might have the right skills for the job and are interested to know more about you. If you want to make a good impression to increase your chances of getting hired, show the same interest back. Show how and why you are the right person for the job and that you can add value to the company. 

Share Relevant Stories

Most of the time, interviewers will ask questions that they should already know the answer to because it’s on your CV. What they really want to hear is a story as to how you came across attaining this skill and how you use or have used it.

Take Strategic Pauses

Naturally, you may need to take a few moments during the interview to gather your thoughts. A simple trick is to take a few sips of water now and then when you need to refresh your mind. Usually, they will offer you a beverage but have water with you just in case.

Don’t Forget To Smile 

While eye contact is essential, you shouldn’t forget to smile. Remember to smile upon meeting your interviewer and at appropriate times during the interview. It will radiate positivity and show that you know how to communicate well with others, giving you a higher chance for consideration to be hired. 

Have Confidence

Being prepared for an interview won’t stop the natural habit of being nervous. The only way to overcome that is by thinking positively and being confident. Be confident with what you already know and give it your best shot!

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GET READY WITH US: Interview Attire

Congratulations! You’ve passed the phone interview and landed a face-to-face interview. Now you just have do a bit of research and gather some notes, BUT WAIT… what are you going to wear?!

How you physically present yourself gives the very first impression before a word comes out of your mouth.

Business smart or smart casual? It depends entirely on what type of business it is your going to an interview for. Of course, all employers will have different opinions. In most occasions, the dress code will either be business smart or smart casual.

It’s not always the case that you have to wear a suit, so here is an infographic on how you should dress for a smart or casual interview and some overall DO’s and DON’Ts on dressing for an interview.



When wearing a suit, it must fit you well so that you can feel comfortable and look presentable. It must be clean and neat, so make sure to clean it properly beforehand and steam it, NOT IRON. If this sounds too much of an effort, book a collection with us so we can take care of it for you within 24 hours.

The same for smart casual, nothing too baggy. Everything must be well fitted and look tidy.


Your clothes must fit you well also, but don’t wear anything TOO revealing or tight as it totally goes against looking professional. Be conservative!

For Business smart, the only touch of colour should come from your blouse, jewellery pieces and maybe shoes, but nothing too bright or flashy. Make sure your suit and blouse are also neat, or hand it over to a dry cleaner for extra cleanliness measure.

For a smart casual hack, it’s okay to pair a vest with a cardigan/ blazer as long as it’s not a deep V/ scoop and on some occasions, it’s okay to wear opened toed mini heels. Just always have in mind to dress semi-formal.

If you have any interview attire tips/ suggestions to add, we’d love to hear them! So go ahead and leave us a comment 🙂

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