Laundryheap Blog – Laundry & Dry Cleaning

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Washing Tips for Holiday Pyjamas

Tis the season to be cosy, and what better way to celebrate the holidays than snuggling up in your favourite festive pyjamas? Amidst the Christmas preparation and gift-searching, it’s important to keep those holiday-themed PJs looking fresh and vibrant. In this quick guide, we’ll unwrap some simple yet effective washing tips for holiday pyjamas, ensuring they stay as jolly as the season itself.

Women in christmas pyjamas with gift
Photo Credit – Pexels
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Christmas Dining Challenges For Restaurants

“Tis the season to be jolly, and in restaurants, the festive cheer brings a flurry of activities and, inevitably, a unique set of Christmas dining challenges in the laundry department. As diners gather to celebrate, creating cherished memories over delectable meals, restaurant staff work tirelessly behind the scenes, combating specific laundry hurdles and restaurant stains that come with the Christmas rush.

christmas dining challenges - keeping table linen clean
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How To Remove Mayo Stains

Mayonnaise – that creamy condiment that adds a rich flavour to sandwiches, and salads, or serves as a perfect dip. Its velvety texture and tangy taste can elevate any dish. But what do you do when your enjoyable mayo moment turns into a messy situation on your favourite garment or tablecloth? No need to worry – we’ve got you covered when it comes to removing mayo stains.

how to remove mayo stains - mayo on clothes
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Eco-Friendly Laundry Practices – Laundryheap’s Commitment To Sustainability

In our quest for clean clothes, we might not always think about the impact on the environment. Here at Laundryheap, our primary objective is to set the standard as a frontrunner in implementing eco-friendly laundry practices within the laundry and dry cleaning industry. In this blog post, we’ll explore the various steps that we, along with our partner facilities, have taken for a better environment.

windmills - eco-friendly sustainable
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How To Wash Dog Bedding

Your dog’s bed is a cherished haven, but let’s face it – it can get messy. Washing it might seem like a task, but fear not! In this detailed guide, we’ll walk you through each step on how to properly wash dog bedding!

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Dos and Don’ts of Visiting Paris

Paris is a city that echoes of romance and promises a dash of magic around every corner. Whether you’re there for the art, the food, or just to soak in the vibe, here are some simple dos and don’ts of visiting Paris!

dos and donts of visiting paris - explore city
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5 Ways To Impress Your Customers

Creating a memorable dining experience goes beyond just serving delicious food; it’s about leaving a lasting impression on your customers. In the competitive world of restaurants, every detail matters—from presentation to service. In this post, we’ll look at 5 ways to impress your customers and make their dining experience even better!

ways to impress your customer - presentation in setting table
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Getting Rid Of Lipstick Stains

Lipstick is a beloved beauty product, but it often leaves behind tricky stains on clothing. If you’ve ever faced the challenge of removing lipstick stains from your favourite garments, you’re in the right place. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through easy and effective methods for getting rid of lipstick stains from your clothes.

getting rid of lipstick stains
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Things To Avoid When Cleaning Halloween Costumes

Halloween has come to an end, and it’s now time to wrap up the spooky season. After enjoying the festivities, you may be faced with the task of cleaning up and removing stains. As you put away the decorations, you might be asking yourself “What do I do with my Halloween costume?“. In this guide, we’ll list out things to avoid when cleaning Halloween costumes.

cleaning halloween costumes - happy family with pumpkins
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Creative Halloween Costume Ideas For 2023

For all of you who’ve been scratching your heads for months, trying to figure out what to wear on Halloween, to really stand out on the 31st of October, we’ve got your back. We’ve compiled a list of Halloween costume ideas to give you the burst of inspiration you’ve been looking for!

halloween costume ideas for 2023 - trick or treating
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