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How To Clean The Ironing Board

Ironing is synonymous with clean and fresh clothes. It helps keep the wrinkles away from our clothes and makes us feel good afterwards. However, while we focus on ironing our clothes, it’s easy to forget the importance of cleaning our ironing board. In this blog, we’ll take a look at how to clean the ironing board.

Like with everything we store in the house, ironing boards can be prone to dust, dirt and debris. If you don’t clean the ironing board, there is a high chance of all the dirt latching onto your clothes.

clean ironing board
Photo From: Pexels

1. Remove Cover and Pad

Before cleaning the ironing board, remove the cover and pad. In most cases, cover boards are fine to go inside the washing machine but always read the care label to be certain.

If your ironing board cover isn’t suited for a washing machine, proceed to manual wash. Spot the dirty stains and get one cup of water, one cup of vinegar and three tablespoons of baking soda in a spray bottle and start to spray the stained area. After a few minutes, get a damp cloth and wipe the ironing board.

2. Proceed Wiping The Ironing Board

To ensure you clean the ironing board effectively, get a good sanitizer, continue using a damp cloth and start wiping the top of the surface. Don’t miss any parts of the ironing board; be wary of any lurking cobwebs underneath the board. Wipe down the legs of the board and remove any cobwebs you see. Let the spray settle to ensure the best cleaning results.

3. Start Drying Your Ironing Board

Once you’ve cleaned the ironing board, replace your cloth with a dry one and start wiping it to dry it. Once it is fully dry, put back the ironing board cover and pad.

Your clothes are ready to be ironed again with no concerns of dirt or dust transferring to them!

It’s a general rule of thumb to clean the ironing board monthly if it’s stored in a good dust-free place.

A friendly reminder that at Laundryheap, we do offer ironing services. If your ironing board is not in good shape, just get in touch with us and we’ll iron your clothes to perfection!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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4 Common Ironing Mistakes

Much like laundry, ironing is a chore you either love or hate; there is no in-between. Regardless, it’s a chore that needs to be done with care and patience because if done correctly, ironing adds a smooth and cool look to your clothes. However, there are also ironing mistakes that need to be avoided.

Here are 4 common ironing mistakes!

1. Not Using Correct Temperature Settings

Not checking the temperature is one of the most common ironing mistakes. With the right setting and temperature, you’ll get the clean results you want.

If you have made this ironing mistake, you’ll know that choosing the incorrect temperature setting can ruin the smoothness of the fabric. Also, it can cause marks and burns on your clothes!

Always read the labels and iron for a good, smoother, and fresher result to save you time and stress!

2. Ironing Dried Clothes

Drying clothes is part and parcel of cleaning clothes, but ironing dried clothes tends to be on the list of ironing mistakes. Dried clothes lack moisture and consequently, the wrinkles are far more stubborn when they are left on dry clothes, which could damage your fabrics in the long run.

That’s not to say you should be ironing wet clothes but ideally, you should aim for damp clothes because they’ll have enough moisture. Ironing damp clothes makes it easy to reshape and remove creases. Always spray water on dried clothes to dampen them for better results!

3. Not Cleaning Your Iron Board

When you think about ironing chores, it’s easy to overlook your iron board’s condition. Iron boards are no different to clothesline in your garden; if they’re in good shape, your clothes will be in good shape. If you neglect cleaning duties for your iron board, chances are your clothes may catch some dust and dirt.

We advise you to first store your iron board in a room with a lot of space and every month, clean and wipe it with a cloth!

4. Not Managing Clothes Pile

When it comes to ironing, the organisation is the key to a fresher result. Managing a big laundry pile is the difference between good and bad ironing. Always make a habit of ironing the clothes with the lowest heat setting first.

Generally, heating the iron up is easier than cooling it down. The most common materials that need the lowest temperature are polyester and silk. Once you are done with this, change the settings on your iron to medium and high for the relevant materials.

Ironing mistakes are common and don’t feel too disappointed if you have made these mistakes in the past. Ironing clothes does require time and patience.

If you’re looking for a service that launders and irons your clothes, get in touch with Laundryheap to book a service!

Visit Laundryheap’s website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!

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How to look presentable at all times

Trying to find the fine line between prioritising life goals and keeping up to date with new trends and styles seems like a constant battle. To top it all, looking your best becomes a burden as there’s less time to plan your daily schedule.

Here are a few tips on how to look presentable at all times.

  1. FIND A STYLE THAT COMPLIMENTS YOUR BODY: This might seem irrelevant but believe you me when I say that knowing your body type and marking your style can be the first and best step to looking fabulously chic and classy. By doing so you know what you want to invest in. Hence you don’t have to spend a fortune on clothes that end up sitting in your wardrobe gathering dust just because you initially thought it was on the sale rack so it’s a good bargain.
  2. IRON: Wait what? Yes I know, the word itself seems like a party pooper but trust me when I say it is totally worth it. It is necessary to iron your clothes to prevent creases, and ironing contributes immensely to your physical appearance because it makes you look presentable and more put together.

    If you’re someone who is instantaneously put off by ironing, then one good thing to keep in mind while shopping is to go for wrinkle-free clothing to save you the headache of ironing.

    Fabrics such as wool, lyocell polyester, and cashmere, can mostly resist wrinkles by far than fabrics like rayon, cotton, and silk. Well-sorted clothing can also slash seconds off the time you spend on outfit prep.

  3. AIR DRY YOUR CLOTHES BEFORE STORING: After you take off your clothes like jackets/coats, shoes, and suits, air dry for couple of minutes before you put them away. This will prevent damp smells, fabric pilling and will help avoid creasing.

  4. INVEST IN A GOOD WARDROBE / STORAGE: Putting your clothes away requires appropriate storage not only to help you keep things perfectly organised, but also to help prevent your clothes from getting creased or ruined.

    As most of us know, we use the “CHAIR” as the most reliable storage option, just after finishing the laundry. Rather than sorting out the freshly laundered clothes, we just pile them on there to the point where the chair gives up on us.

    To avoid that, just put things back in their allocated place so you don’t have worry about ironing when you want to use a specific outfit, especially on an urgent errand.

  5. USE LAUNDRYHEAP: The easiest tip of the lot is to use Laundryheap for chores like laundry, ironing and sorting. Then all you have to focus on is your style.

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With the chaos of getting things done and having to look after the little munchkins, it’s almost impossible to not get overwhelmed by chores, especially the never-ending story of doing laundry.

Here are a few laundry tips to help you save time.

  • PRE-SORTING THE LAUNDRY: Let’s face it, laundry is a chore that is time-consuming. A good idea is to have different baskets for different fabrics, colours, and the condition of laundry. Not only is it time-efficient when the need arises to do the laundry, it also prevents mistakes and having to deal with the possibility of colours bleeding onto another fabric and ruining your clothes.



  • HANG ACCORDINGLY:If you despise ironing, one practical trick to consider is to hang your laundry once out of the machine to prevent extreme creasing. Moreover, if you’re dealing with washed and dried clothes, it’s best to put away on hangers and if possible colour coordinate hangers for specific clothes. Not only does this give your wardrobe a very refined and colourful look, it also creates space and helps differentiate your clothes for different purposes. Nothing is worse than having to ransack your closet for one specific outfit on a busy day.



  • HAVE OTHERS CHIP IN: There’s nothing wrong with you asking for a helping hand. Your children can do simple things like allocating their dirty clothes to the right laundry basket or sorting and folding after themselves. In addition, that gives you an opportunity to focus on other pressing chores around the house.



  • SET SPECIFIC DAYS: To avoid the laundry from overflowing, try to wash the clothes that are used the most; that way you don’t get intimidated or overwhelmed by your laundry. Set specific days for different types of laundry, for example, Wednesdays for coloured fabrics and Sundays for bedding, towels, rugs etc.

  • MULTI-TASK: While waiting on the laundry in the washer, you can either put the other batch in the dryer or try to invest your time in doing the ironing. It helps immensely with your productivity as well as decreases your chances of procrastination.

If you’re still uncertain or don’t have time to do the laundry, you can schedule your laundry with us and we’ll gladly sort it out for you.


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