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How to motivate yourself to do laundry

It seems that laundry is a never-ending chore. The longer you let your laundry pile up, the more exhaustive the task seems and the less likely you are to do it. Here are some tips on how to motivate yourself to get your laundry done.

  • Put your dirty washing in plain sight
  • Pre-plan your time
  • Don’t do it alone
  • Set small goals
  • Give yourself an ultimatum 
  • Use your favourite scent
  • Make it fun
  • Play music
  • Reward yourself
  • Use Laundryheap

Put your dirty washing in plain sight 

There is no better way to motivate yourself to do laundry than to put it somewhere that is unavoidable. If you leave your laundry in plain sight, your only two options are to do your laundry or to look at your dirty washing, and nobody wants to spend their day looking at dirty washing. 

Pre-plan your time

If you know that you’re not a fan of doing your washing, then pre-plan your time. Block out a section of your day that will be used solely for completing your washing. Don’t fill that block of time with anything else other than washing duties. This way, you will know in advance when you will be doing your laundry and can complete the task free from distractions.

Don’t do it alone

Some people find motivation in being surrounded by others. If you are one of those people, invite someone round whilst you are doing your laundry. A friend, a family member, a partner, whoever you decide. You can catch up whilst simultaneously getting your washing done. That laundry pile will be non-existent in no time. 

Image by CDA

Set small goals 

If you have a large pile of laundry to get through, break down the workload by setting yourself small goals. It can be overwhelming when you have a mountain of laundry to tackle, but breaking down the job into smaller goals will make it more manageable. Once you begin achieving these small goals you will become more motivated to achieve the next one, and before you know it your laundry will be done. 

Give yourself an ultimatum

If you are drastically unmotivated to do your laundry, set yourself an ultimatum that will force you into doing it. This could be something as simple as not seeing a friend if your washing isn’t completed by the end of the week. You want to give yourself an ultimatum that will motivate you into doing the laundry so think of something that you really want to do. 

Use your favourite scent 

Everyone loves the smell of fresh laundry, and if your laundry smells of something you particularly love it can motivate you to get it done. Pick a laundry detergent smell that you love and watch as you look forward to doing your laundry every week. 

Make it fun

Let’s face it, doing laundry is boring. That being said, if the boring nature of doing laundry is what is preventing you from completing the task, why not have some fun with it? Turn doing the laundry into a game, or hide (wrapped) treats in your dirty laundry to find. Whatever it is, add a fun element to doing your laundry and you will not hesitate to do the laundry again. 

Image by Tim Mossholder from Pexels

Play music 

Listening to music makes any task go faster. Make yourself a special laundry playlist and include all of your favourite songs. You’ll be so busy listening to tune after tune that you won’t even realise that you’ve sorted, and washed, all of your washing until you’ve reached the bottom of your basket. 

Reward yourself

Laundry is such a mundane task to complete it’s only right that you should be rewarded once you’ve completed it. Choose any reward you want- unlimited TV watching for the rest of the day, a glass of wine, a bar of chocolate, whatever your reward is remember that it is waiting for you at the bottom of your laundry pile. 

Image by Wagner Cesar Munhoz

Use Laundryheap

If you really don’t want to do your laundry, and none of these motivational prompts are working, we’re here to help. Book your Laundryheap delivery slot and we will pick up, dry clean, and re-deliver your clothing straight to your door. Book your slot by heading to the Laundryheap website or by downloading the free Laundryheap app.


How To Make Chores Fun For Kids

Kids are full of energy, but when it comes to doing chores… not so much. It’s just not a fun and appealing activity for them (just as it isn’t for us either!), but it’s gotta be done!

Here are 5 ways to make chores fun for kids:

Make it a game

Kids LOVE playing games! So what better way to make chores interesting for them than to incorporate their favourite games within the chores you want them to do. How about a game of throw the laundry into the basket (like basketball) or the floor is lava, so they have to pick up their toys before it ‘melts’. If they’re washing dishes, add some rubber toys in there or a floating boat to make it fun.

Just be creative!

Friendly competitions

Turn those games into competitions! The one who gets it done first will win or the one who does the most chores will win! Whether you have one or many kids, friendly competitions are not only fun but a great distraction from the thought of it being a chore. You can also use these competitions as a way of training and developing their skills; they can try to do their task better/ quicker the next time.

Reward them

Make your kids feel proud of their accomplishments by rewarding them for their efforts and hard work. Take them out for a treat, or create a reward system where they’ll have to do a certain amount of chores to be able to get an item they’ve always wanted.

Praising your kids for their achievements will encourage them to do more and will give them a sense of positivity when completing chores.

Make sessions quick

 Kids can get bored and distracted easily when activities become less interesting. It’s best to keep their chore time short and switch up their schedules every so often; exposing them to different tasks.

Add some music

Gather a list of your child’s favourite music and let them sing and dance to it whilst they’re doing their chores. This will surely keep them entertained and motivated! You can join in too and it will feel like they’re having a mini party.

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How To Be More Organised At Home

Overtime, clutter and mess start piling up, especially for families with little children. It’s hard to be organised at home when you have so many things to do already, yet so little time to do them. But there are ways that will help you keep track and stay on top of your organising game! 

How To Be More Organised At Home

  • Have a ‘home’ for your items 
  • Clutter control system
  • Ditch duplicate items
  • Get rid of things that you no longer need
  • Have a cleaning schedule
  • Have a checklist

Have A ‘Home’ For Your Items

You’ll notice that there are certain areas around your home that just have huge piles of miscellaneous items. The areas are most likely counter tops, tables and even on the floor. The reason why things just pile up is because we don’t know where to put them; they don’t have a home. 

So, find a place to put every item to avoid unwanted clutter and the inconvenience of tidying it up when guests come over. If it’s a book, put it on the shelf, if it’s stationary, put it in a drawer or if they’re documents, file it. Whatever it is, just find an appropriate place to keep it, where you’ll remember it’s location.

Clutter Control System

To help organise your cluttered items (and give a home to them), add a few accessories to your home. By accessories I mean wall hooks, wall cabinets, an entryway organiser, a coat stand etc. These will keep your things that you use on a daily basis stored in an easy to locate place. It’s especially useful for when you’re always on the go and you tend to leave your keys on the table or your coat on the sofa. 

Also, make sure to have storage boxes or baskets where necessary around your home to keep your things organised. You’ll no longer have to keep your things just laying around.

Ditch Duplicate Items

It’s common to have multiple of the same items, for example, pens, dining ware, cups or slippers. But when is having multiple items too much? It’s when you have a restaurant amount of dining ware for a family of 4. It’s when you have 20 pairs of slippers for two people or when you have 50 pens in your home.

Getting rid of duplicate items is one way to a clutter-free and organised home. If these items are still in good shape, give them away. If they’re worn out or broken, throw them away. 

Get Rid Of Things That You No Longer Need

Look through your book shelf , drawers or wardrobe and throw away things you no longer have use for. Again, if they’re in good condition give it away to someone who will benefit from it, like an old book or some old toys.

Have A Cleaning Schedule

Household chores are always going to be difficult to keep up with, unless you have so much time on your hands.

To keep up with home cleaning, create a schedule. Yes! Cliché to say but a schedule will always help you be organised and keep you on top of things. Create a personalised, long-term schedule for non-daily tasks like cleaning your bathroom once every week or changing your bed sheets every 2 w

eeks etc.

For daily tasks like washing dishes or doing laundry, these should be done right away instead of putting it off. This will avoid more dishes or more clothes piling up.

If your laundry routine is a little too hard to keep up with, visit our 5 Tips To Stay On Top Of Your Laundry blog where we advise you how to keep on top of your laundry and provide you with a downloadable laundry schedule.

Have A Checklist

Checklists are great for setting yourself a reminder to do specific tasks. They’re great for quick, daily tasks, like remembering to take out the trash on time for rubbish collection day or putting away clothes. With so much things going on, it can be hard to remember the little things you need to do. So jot them down and tick them off once it’s done. That way you won’t have to wait till next week for your rubbish to be collected.

Once you start doing things repeatedly around your home in an organised and orderly manner, you’ll eventually get used to it and then it just becomes a natural habit. 

If you have any other tips to an organised, clutter-free home, please feel free to share them in the comments section. 🙂

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How To Teach Your Children How To Laundry

I’m not exactly sure what the perfect age is to teach your children how to laundry, but any age with the word ‘teen’ at the end seems suitable to teach them how to treat stains and learn to decipher laundry symbols.

So why are we discussing about teaching your children how to do laundry? Because learning how to do laundry is a basic and necessary life skill. Wouldn’t you agree?

Teaching your children how to do laundry is a process that has different procedures and considerations, so it’s best to start them off young. 

How To Teach Your Children How To Laundry


If you have little kids, you’ll already know that it’s the age of curiosity. To them, household chores are amazing! With laundry, they help out in putting clothes into the washing machine and taking it out because they think it’s fun. Though at a young age, they may not understand what on earth is going on but this kind of practice helps them to know the actions required to do laundry.

What to teach them:  

  • Matching colours: For separating loads in the future.
  • To pair socks.

Primary/ Grade-schoolers:

For children aged between 4-11 years old. Now that they’re in school, they’re feeding their minds with more knowledge, so laundry is not so fascinating any more. However, it’s the best time to teach them the basics of doing laundry.

What to teach them:  

  • The difference between dirty clothes and ‘wear again’ clothes: With the different activities they do in school, their clothes can get pretty filthy. Tell them what’s okay to wear again and what needs to be put into the wash!
  • How to hang clothes up and fold clothes.
  • How to separate clothes: This is where the matching colour skills come in. For divided hampers, tell them what colour goes into which hamper and why.


For some, it’s tricky enough to teach teens how to be responsible, so what more when teaching them how to do laundry. It’s a chore that must be done and a household skill that they will take with them in the future- you just have to make them realise that with your bad-ass parenting skills!

What to teach them:

  • How to work the laundry machine!: Show them where to put the detergent, fabric conditioner, bleach etc, how much is the right amount. What all the cycles mean.
  • The care label symbols: This will be the ultimate guide in telling them the right temperature and cycle they should wash at and what to do when drying or ironing.
  • Stain removal: Teach them the basics of pre-treating stains.
  • How to iron

Once they know the essentials of a laundry routine, you can start to teach them some hacks!

What to remember: Always tell them the reason for doing certain procedures when doing laundry, so it will help them to understand and remember for the next time. 

Oh, and when your children get older and they have busy lifestyles which result to neglecting laundry, tell them that there are dry cleaning and laundry services that can help them out.

Here’s a basic laundry guide (preview below) for you to download which you can hang up on your wall to remind your kids of the basic steps when doing laundry.


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Student Laundry Survival Guide

To all students who are studying away from home, and living independently for the first time. We know the thought of cooking, and cleaning after yourself can be daunting enough, then there’s laundry you have to deal with too?! 

For most of you, you’ve probably never done laundry before, but that’s okay! Because your student accommodations’ laundry room should have instructions on how to use the washing machine and dryer. This however, will not be enough to guide you in your routine.

So, we’ve come up with the best, basic laundry survival guide for those of you who are trying to prove that you can be independent.

Student Laundry Survival Guide

  •  Separate whites from colours: To clean clothes properly, you need to separate them by colour in terms of white clothes, dark clothes and/or colours. If you don’t, you risk the colour of your white clothes turning grey. The colours of the fabrics may ‘bleed’ and transfer onto other fabrics, that’s why its best to divide your clothes by colour and not throw in a mixture of clothes all at once.


  • Check the label: The best way to know the right temperature or wash cycle to do laundry in is on the care label. So read it, and you should be well on your way to easy laundry. It will also tell you instructions about ironing and tumble drying, and other things you won’t need to worry about just yet.


  • Use the right detergent and wash at the right temperature: Yes, there are so many detergents and washing options on a laundry machine, that’s why we already wrote guides on choosing the right laundry detergent and washing at the right temperature. In summary, your clothes can be washed at a low temperature, best with liquid and capsule detergents, but anything heavily stained/soiled will have to be cleaned thoroughly at a warm temperature, best with powder.


  • Know the dryer: The dryer will not always be your friend, it will take some time to understand. Just know that not everything can go into the dryer, for some clothes may cause shrinkage (read the label). When using the dryer, don’t overload the machine so your clothes can dry properly.


  • Don’t be lazy: I say this only because I’ve experienced someone not doing their laundry until they have no more clothes left to use, only leaving a MASSIVE pile of inconvenience to deal with. So do your laundry often so you have more time for your ‘studies’.

It’s okay if you need a little bit of help doing the laundry. There are professionals like Laundryheap who can collect your items at your accommodation, and will have them cleaned and delivered back to you within 24 hours. 

If you found this post useful, share it with your friends who may be struggling with laundry too.

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GET THE LOOK: Stylish Laundry Room On A Budget

How great would it be if your laundry room was welcoming you? Like wouldn’t you have the motivation to do laundry then? Because I know I would if my laundry room looked stylish and presentable.

If you’re looking to spice up your laundry room but don’t want to splash out too much ££ money, then look no further with our stylish laundry room guide- budget edition.

First things first, let’s check that you have these laundry room essentials:

Foldable drying rack: Great for natural air drying and most importantly, for those delicate garments that can’t be put into the dryer. Foldable drying racks can be used outside or indoors and folded away when not in use. It’s pretty much portable and easily accessible too.

Mesh bags: Just a little bag to put your delicate clothes in before you throw them into the washing machine- this is so that it doesn’t catch on to other clothing (bras) and the fabric doesn’t get ruined.

Divided Hamper: Great for sorting laundry on-the-go and definitely time saving too! If you haven’t already, get yourself a divided hamper to separate your whites, darks, and colours. The best thing about this is your laundry is already sorted way before putting it into the washing machine. Quite useful, eh?

An Ironing board: Yeah. I think most of us, if not everyone, has an ironing board.


Walls: In my opinion, simple designs make for a chic style. So,  if you’re planning to re-do your walls, I’d say paint it a blank canvas- a light pastel colour or just white!- so you can put up some framed pictures or paintings to give it that edgy look.

For those of you that want a design on your walls, I’d recommend something subtle and not so over powering that the walls are the only thing that’s noticed. Try a faint coloured, consistent pattern and avoid contrasting colours. Now you can either buy wallpaper or create a stencil to paint over if you have a particular preference.

Built in storage: Laundry room storage is an absolute MUST. I mean you have many supplies that you use for your laundry routine such as laundry detergent, fabric conditioner etc.

Here are a few ways you can go about creating great storage space in your laundry room, just pick the one(s) which most suits your budget:

  • Baskets: Like the cheapest of the storage options is to have baskets. The perfect type of baskets for a chic look for your laundry room are woven ones.
  • Floating Shelves: Floating shelves are good for storing items that you don’t mind putting on display. So in terms of using it in your laundry room, you can use them to display your towels, put mini baskets on them and display items of interests (pictures or candles).
  • Rail rack: Great for hanging those garments that need to be kept hung straight after coming out of the washing machine and good for avoiding creases and wrinkles (less ironing)!
  • Cabinets: Cabinets are a great way to hide your stash of laundry supplies. Not only are they great for health and safety if you have little ones, but they will keep your laundry room looking tidy and organised. Try looking for used, in-good-condition cabinets if you can’t splash out for a new one.

Rug: You’re probably thinking, why would you put a rug in your laundry room? I’ll tell you why. Adding a rug to your laundry room will not only give it a unique touch, but it will give it that warm welcoming feel and cosiness so you can feel comfy doing the laundry. 

Pretty little things: One you’ve got an idea of how your laundry room is going to look like, start to think about displaying items of that which will make you happy such as: a motivational quote, home plants, Potpourri, a laundry sign, a jar of dirt etc.

If you liked the ideas or wish to share some great laundry room decor tips with us, leave us a comment 🙂 If you’re getting your laundry room renovated and would like to schedule a laundry, dry-cleaning, ironing or wash and fold service, then book with us today!


Technology Takeover: The End Of Laundry Chores?

Have you noticed? Technology is slowly taking over household chores and you know what that means… more ‘me’ time. After a busy day, home maintenance is the last thing we want to think about especially Laundry. Luckily for us, we’ve reached an era where AI (Artificial Intelligence) can take on daunting household chores.

From technological advancements of mini robots cleaning mess on your floor, giant machines that fold your clothes to advanced laundry pickup and collection services. We’re definitely well on our way to receiving the break we need.

Let’s take a look in to how technology has significantly developed how we do our laundry.

Standard technology

Washing Machine: Washing clothes is a chore that’s been done for centuries. From washing clothes in rivers by hand to the invention of the washboard in the 1700’s. The first actual ‘washing machine’ started and developed in the late 1800’s and has, since then, been continuously developed into the washing machines that you see today. 

Tumble Dryer: Before the tumble dryer was invented, the first actual clothes ‘dryer’ was a clothes line. Then came the invention of drying clothes in a metal drum and placed over an open fire. It wasn’t until the 1800’s, where a hand tumble dryer was invented and the start of developing electronic tumble dryers began n the 1900’s. Since then, the use of new technology was able to put the tumble dryer in our homes.

Dishwasher: The mechanical dishwasher was invented in the mid 1800’s, which was a wooden barrel that needed to be hand cranked whilst water was sprayed onto it. With development overtime,  the first domestic motor powered dishwasher was introduced in the early 1900’s that incorporated design elements in dishwashers today.

Okay, so this is the exciting part, the more advanced. Check it out…

AI Technology

Laundroid: I see and read everywhere that folding clothes is a chore that is pushed to the side for like days, if not weeks! With this technology, you no longer have to think about folding your clothes. Why? Because AI can do it for you! All you have to do is put your clothes in the drawer and let the folding be done for you. See below for video preview by CNET on how it works:

Foldimate: This is quite similar to Laundroid with the aim of having your clothes folded for you. This machine is smaller and compact and instead of dumping your clothes in a drawer, you have to clip it in. Watch the video below by Foldimate and you’ll see what I mean:

Swash: Okay, say you’ve only worn a piece of clothing twice after washing but it smells unpleasant or it’s just soo wrinkly. Put it into the SWASH machine, 10 minutes later, bam! Good as new. This technology is designed to de-wrinkle, remove odours, restore original shape and preserve it’s ‘life’. Not quite washing your clothes but good for just a refresh for those ‘in-between’ clothes. Watch the video by Swash official below on how it works:

Effie: This domestic appliance can iron, steam and dry your clothes for you, 12 items at a time! Simply hang all your garments on the rail with the provided hanger and with the press of button, your clothes will be dried and de-wrinkled, ready for you to wear within 3 minutes. Clothing items that can be ironed include: Polo shirts, t-shirts, trousers, skirts, bedding and tops.

Final thoughts

Yes, technology is advancing in ways we couldn’t imagine, but they will always come with a few downfalls as they’re not 100% the perfect solution yet and they require a big investment! Whilst AI still continues to develop, Laundryheap remains the perfect solution for your laundry chore takeover! We’re cheap and come with human interaction at least. 

What are your thoughts about technology taking over chores?


How To Clean Your Washing Machine

Is it just me or isn’t it quite ironic that you have to clean a machine that’s made for cleaning? Well, yep, it’s vital to maintain the cleanliness of your washing machine to: 1) clean your clothes properly, and 2) preserve its cleaning life.

So, just how can you banish that awful smell and disgusting mould? Let’s find out:

  • Manual instructions: Be on the safe side and read the manual for instructions on how to clean your washing machine, as some manufacturers may not allow you to use products or cleansers in your machine.

  • Maintenance wash: In more simpler terms, clean the drum! Let your machine self clean by putting it through a hot temperature cycle (without clothes, of course) at least once a month, with a cup of vinegar thrown into the drum to help it sanitise.

  • Let it breathe: Leave the door of the washing machine open every so often to let the air circulate in the drum and prevent bacteria from growing. I would also recommend you do the same for the detergent drawer- you can never be too careful when it comes to cleanliness.

  • Wash out the detergent drawer: Simply remove the detergent drawer and give it a good sponge clean! Scrub away any detergent residue that has been built up. Give it a thorough rinse and let it dry before putting back into the machine.

  • Wipe the rubber: Give the rubber door seal a good clean with a damp cloth on a regular basis, being sure to completely clean out any hidden residue.

  • Clean the filter: The filter is the one that collects debris in order to protect the washing machine pump from blocking. If that doesn’t sound germ ridden to you, then I don’t know what does. So, what must you do? Empty it regularly to remove the dirt that has been gathered. The filter can be found at the bottom corner of the washing machine behind the removable plate/tab.

Oh and one more thing, you can leave your laundry to Laundryheap whilst you clean your washing machine.

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How To Keep Your Whites, White!

When we buy white clothes, we want them to remain white after washing- not turn a darker shade of white (grey)! Most of us also want to completely avoid using bleach or optical brighteners to keep them white but we’re talking about the maintenance of white clothes here. How to naturally whiten white clothes is a different story.

We at Laundryheap know all the factors to consider when washing whites without the need of using chemical products. The secret? Wash them properly, of course! 

How To Keep Your Whites, White!

  1. Wash whites with whites: A common mistake most of us make is that we mix our white colours with other light, non-colourfast colours. Why? Because most of us are lazy. What we should do is separate whites completely from other colours and wash with white clothes ONLY. If you’re already doing this, good job! *applauds*
  2. Don’t overload the machine: Putting too much clothes in the machine will prevent your whites from being cleaned properly as the detergent will find difficulty in circulating through the load, which as a result will not give it’s optimal cleaning performance. When loading the machine, fill it about three quarters of the way to ensure it isn’t overloaded.
  3. Don’t overload with detergent: Some of us may think that by putting a lot of detergent, we’ll certainly get cleaner clothes meaning whiter clothes, right? Wrong! Too much detergent can in fact add an extra layer to the garment which causes build-up, leading to discolouration.
  4. Treat stains ASAP: Don’t delay in treating stains; for the longer you leave them, the tougher they are to remove! PLUS that’s how you get that awkward darker patch on your white clothes. With wine or ketchup stains, we are certain to treat them quickly, but we should also do the same for invisible’ stains such as sweat stains. Read here for natural methods of stain removal.
  5. Wash in the hottest water (by care label): It’s best to wash your garments according to what it says on the care label. To get the most out of your whites, follow the set temperature that the label recommends you to wash them at- don’t go a temperature lower! That way, your whites will surely stay white and gleaming.
  6. Wash whites regularly: With coloured clothes, it’s best to wash them after a few wears to keep the colours from fading. When it comes to whites, it’s a completely different story. The best time to wash them is after wearing them once or twice. Did you know that invisible body soils are one of the reasons why your whites start to turn a grey/ yellow colour? Yeah. That’s way it’s best to wash them regularly to avoid that.
  7. Dry accordingly: Of course the label will know what the best method is in drying your whites. So, for garments that allow you to tumble dry (if you own a dryer or use one) don’t over dry your whites as it will cause it to look worn out.If you naturally air dry your clothes, then, no comment, that will do just fine!

BONUS: If you’re laundry smart, you’ll realise that all of these tips mentioned will not only make your whites glowing but can also be considered to promote longevity of the rest of your clothes too!

If you have some tips that you use to keep your white clothes white, share them in the comments section! 🙂


5 Ways To Cut Down On Ironing

Raise your hand if you want to know how to cut down on ironing…

If you’re someone who despises ironing or has trouble finding the time to iron, here are a few time-saving, quick-tips to help you cut down on ironing.

  1. Use a steamer: Wave a magic ‘wand’ and voila wrinkle free- That’s the best way to interpret a steamer. It’s honestly the easiest and most convenient thing to use and you don’t have to worry about ruining your clothes (if you know how to use it correctly). Just hang your clothes up and start steaming! No need to whip out the ironing board. 

    You can buy a steamer, OR use an iron with one already built in, so if you’re one of the lucky owners, don’t worry about investing.

  2. Use hair appliances: By hair appliances, I mean the blow dryer and the hair straightener. Cliché to say but surprisingly, it works! 

    The blow dryer works the same way as a steamer, except there’s no steam (duh). To get rid of a few wrinkles and creases, just hang the garment up and blow away. As for the hair straightener, let’s just say it’s a portable iron but for smaller, easy to reach areas.


  3. Put away clothes immediately after drying: This is something that we all should be doing anyway. You want to fold and put away clothes immediately to avoid further creases and wrinkles.
  4. Choose the right clothes: Whenever I go shopping for new clothes, part of my final decision in purchasing is based on the answer to ‘Is this going to be easy to wear or would I have to iron it every time I whip it out of the closet?’ 

    Unless I absolutely HAVE to buy a piece of clothing that needs to be ironed, I tend to look for clothes that are easy to wear and won’t crease so easily.

  5. Give it to Laundryheap: Well of course, who else would you give it to? If you ‘re looking to pre-iron clothes for the next few days for special events and you have no time to iron- or you just don’t want to – schedule a pickup with us and we’ll return them back to you within 24 hours.
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