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make-up q


How To Remove Make-up Stains

How many times have you accidentally smudged a bit of foundation onto your white top? Well, it happens to most of us who wear make-up!

Get that stain right out with our infographic guide on how to remove stains from certain types of make-up:

how to remove make-up stains.png

  1. Mascara/Eyeliner: Liquid dish soap or a bar of soap.
  2. Lipstick: Toothpaste, rubbing alcohol, acteone or hairspray.
  3. Foundation/Concealer: Liquid dish soap, shaving cream or baking soda.
  4. Powders: White vinegar or liquid dish soap.

Other alternatives:

  • Heavy duty detergent 
  • Stain remover pen
  • Make-up wipes

Sometimes removing stains can be too time-consuming. If that becomes the issue, just remember that we’ll be able to wash, dry, fold and iron your clothes when you book a laundry service with us.