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Dos and Don’ts of Washing Baby Clothes

Being a mother isn’t easy. Not only does your lifestyle changes but you also need to think about changing the nappy, get used to hearing baby cries, and (hopefully) gotten a decent night’s sleep (just kidding, kind of). But there is more. You also have to think about the laundry. Those adorable, yet oh-so-stainable, baby clothes also need caring. It may seem a challenge but that’s why we’ve compiled a handy guide of dos and don’ts of washing baby clothes to make this as seamless as possible!

washing baby clothes
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Tips On Washing Baby Clothes

If you’re wondering if there are specific instructions or methods to wash your baby’s clothes, there aren’t much. However, there are a few things you need to consider to keep your baby’s sensitive skin safe.

Here are Tips On Washing Baby Clothes:

Wash Newly Bought Baby Clothes

Newly bought clothes contain chemicals from production that may cause irritation to your baby’s skin. To keep your baby safe from being exposed to these harsh chemicals, always wash newly purchased baby clothes, blankets and washable items that will come into direct contact with the skin.

Use A Mild Detergent

Since your baby’s skin is sensitive, you may want to find the best laundry detergent that is safe for the baby. Fortunately, there are many detergent options available for babies or those with sensitive skin. Just look for hypoallergenic or non-bio labelled detergents. You also have the option to purchase detergents specifically made for baby clothes, like Dreft or ECOS

Use The Rinse Cycle

To make sure all detergent residue is removed from your baby’s clothes, use the rinse cycle after your usual cycle. This will keep clothes staying fresh and clean for longer and will prevent mildew smell.  

Avoid Fabric Softener

We all know that fabric softener is used to make clothes feel soft. It works by adding a lubricant layer over the fabric. Baby clothes, sleepwear in particular, are designed to be flame resistant and coating it with softener means you’re only stripping it of it’s properties.

Read The Care Label

Should you wash baby clothes at a cold or warm temperature? I can tell you that warm/hot washes are great for clothes that have a foul odour or needs to be disinfected. Cool washes are great for regular clothes that haven’t been heavily soiled on.

However, only the care label will be able to tell you the correct way and temperature wash and dry your baby’s clothes if you want to take extra precaution.

If you’d like a more professional approach to washing your baby’s clothes, you can leave it to laundryheap. We take safety into consideration, especially for those with sensitive skin. That’s why give you the option to choose between bio or non-bio detergent and take into account any other special requirements for your baby’s clothes.