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Benefits of Folding Your Clothes

Laundry is a repetitive chore; the job starts with putting dirty clothes in the basket and ends with hanging clothes outside to dry after they’ve been put in the washing machine. However, the chore doesn’t end there. Folding your clothes is the last task.

Folding your clothes

Essentially, there are benefits to folding your clothes!

More Storage Space

Getting into a habit of folding your clothes means you’ll have more storage space in your wardrobe or drawer. Nobody wants to go home to find unfolded clothes on their chair or bed. Instead, if you fold them and put them away neatly in a contained place, you’ll save so much room and reduces the pile of laundry.

Additionally, folding your clothes will also help save space in your luggage for your next holiday!

Reduces Wrinkles

If you have an important meeting to attend and noticed a wrinkled shirt, it could mean it wasn’t folded properly. To stop your big days from being ruined by a wrinkled shirt, make sure your clothes are folded to reduce wrinkles and creases in your laundry.

However, if you want to urgently get rid of the wrinkles and creases, book with Laundryheap and we’ll iron your shirts so you look smart in your meetings!

Helps You Stay Organised

It may seem like a very small task but keeping clothes folded helps you stay productive, relaxed and organised. Leaving everything cluttered is not good for your mood. In addition, organising means you’ll find your favourite shirt easier the next time you look for it.

Increases Lifespan of Clothes

Significantly, folded clothes results in a better lifespan for your clothes. By folding them neatly and putting them away, you are eliminating the risk of buttons on clothes coming off or clothes being damaged. You’ve spent time laundering your clothes so make sure you increase their durability by folding them properly!

Folding your clothes itself is a skill and we hope next time when your clothes are cleaned and dry, you consider the benefits of folding them.

If you want to learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.


Top ten wardrobe organisation tips

Photo by Victoria Borodinova from Pexels

Regardless of the size and shape of your wardrobe, there never seems to be enough room to tidily fit all of your clothes. These top ten wardrobe organisation tips will help you de-clutter and re-organise your wardrobe for optimum space and an aesthetically pleasing look. 

  • Have a clear-out 
  • Change your wardrobe with the seasons 
  • Deep clean your wardrobe
  • Hang your clothes by category 
  • Colour code your clothing 
  • Use coordinating hangers
  • Utilise shelving space
  • Use storage boxes
  • Maximise vertical storage space
  • Utilise empty wall space

Have a clear-out 

If your wardrobe is looking cluttered and disorganised the first thing to do is have a clear out. Take everything out- clothes, shoes, accessories, bags, and anything else you may have in there, and lay it all out on your bed. Sift through your items and throw out anything that you don’t want or need anymore. 

TOP TIP: If you’re finding it difficult to throw items away think about when the last time you have wore or used the item was. If it wasn’t in the last 6-12 months, and the item has no sentimental value, then throw it away. 

Rather than discarding your clothes in the bin, donate them to a local charity shop or clothing donation bin. If you no longer need the clothing for yourself, why not give it to someone less fortunate. 

De-cluttering your wardrobe of items you no longer wear or use will leave you with a much clearer wardrobe that is easier to navigate and more aesthetically pleasing to look at.

Photo by viviandnguyen_

Change your wardrobe with the seasons 

Your winter and autumn wardrobe will contain bulkier clothing, such as jumpers, whereas your summer and spring wardrobe will consist of thinner materials. The best way to utilise the space in your wardrobe is by alternating your clothing with the seasons. This means that you will have plenty of space in the autumn and winter for your bulkier clothing, and room to spare in the summer and spring with the absence of unnecessary items. Make sure that you store your clothing away properly to avoid ruining them.

Deep clean your wardrobe 

Every 3 months take everything out of your wardrobe and give it a deep clean. Wipe down all the walls and doors, hoover the bottom of it to get rid of any dust, and spray the inside of it with room spray. Not only will this leave your wardrobe gleaming from the outside, but it will also prevent your clothing from becoming unnecessarily dusty from being left in a dirty wardrobe. 

Hang your clothes by category

We’ve all been in that situation where you’re running late for something and can’t seem to find the right thing to wear. Endlessly flicking through your clothes, trying desperately to find something appropriate. Make it easier to find your perfect outfit by organising your clothes by category. Keep all of your trousers, shirts, jackets, etc. together. This will make it easier to see what clothes you have available to you and also make clothing combinations easier to figure out. 

Colour code your clothing 

If you want to go one step further from hanging your clothes by category, you may also want to hang your clothes by colour. If you are a particularly visual person, you may find it easier to pick your outfits by sourcing what particular items you want to wear by their colour. Not to mention, this will look incredibly visually effective when you open your wardrobe.

Use coordinating hangers

If you want to make your wardrobe look organised use the same coloured and sized hangers. Nothing screams wardrobe chaos more than clothes hung on an abundance of different sized and coloured hangers. Using the same hangers will make your wardrobe look more uniform and therefore more organised.

Utilise shelving space

If you have shelves in your wardrobe, or the space to install shelves, utilise that space. Use your shelves to stack heavy and bulky items that take up space in your wardrobe, but won’t lose their shape if folded and stacked. Stack jumpers, denim items and anything else that may take up a lot of wardrobe space.

Photo by Magnus D

Use storage boxes

If you have space in your wardrobe for storage boxes use that space. Use storage boxes to store everyday t-shirts, pyjamas, and work out outfits. These items are less likely to lose shape and become overly wrinkled, and will also save an abundance of room for other clothes to be hung up. Additionally, because these items tend to be made from thinner material you can store more items in a smaller space. 

Maximise vertical storage space

No matter the size and shape of your wardrobe, you will always have vertical space that you can utilise. If you don’t have any space to store your shoes, why not get a hanging shoe rack to put over your wardrobe doors. Alternatively, you can buy specialised hangers to hang accessories, belts, and scarves from. This can save on using individual hangers for individual scarves etc. Whatever vertical storage you have, make sure to utilise it as best as you can. 

Photo by Rubbermaid Products

Utilise empty wall space  

Not all clothing items need to be put in your wardrobe. If you own many scarves and belts, utilise your empty wall space and hang your accessories on the wall. You can do so by either using nails or investing in a wall holder. This will de-clutter your wardrobe of unnecessary accessories and make it easier for you to choose your accessory for the day.

Now that you’ve organised your wardrobe, let us dry clean your clothing. Book a slot using the Laundryheap website or downloading the free Laundryheap app. 

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New Year Advice For Starting Fresh

With the new year fast approaching, many people start to look to January as a time for a change, for a fresh start, and for ways to improve there life. Change can mean different things to different people, depending on how you currently live your life. Whether you require a new work out regime or want to spend more time with the people closest to you this year. Rest assured these pointers will help you get a hold of those dreaded January blues.

  • Let go of last year
  • Be specific about what you want
  • Start getting organised
  • Be nicer to people
  • Get that blood flowing
  • Sleep more
  • No more unnecessary distractions
  • Strengthen relationships that matter to you

Let go of last year

Often people who want to start fresh are held back by the knot of previous failures, involvements, feelings, obstacles. We cannot go for that job because of the last job rejection we got, or we cannot find time to visit our parents because we have too many other commitments.

If you are looking to start fresh this new year, you must get rid of all of this old baggage. A fresh start demands a clean slate. Let go of last year, and start anew in your mind. 

Be specific about what you want

The main reason resolutions fail is because they are non-specific. So many people go into the new year claiming “new year, new me”, with no specific direction as to how they plan to change. Why not try “new year, new strict meditation schedule to abide by”?

Aim to have a quantifiable goal, a date, and a series of checkpoints to complete to get yourself there. If you are serious about achieving your goal in the new year, you need to have a clear plan for how you are going to do it.

Start getting organised

As well as being specific about the main change you want to achieve this year, you must make sure all the other elements of your life are in good order. If you want to increase work productivity or cut down of junk food, then make sure you have the housework schedule organised!  

Having unwanted stresses and disturbances from other areas in your life can be a trigger for abandoning your new routine. Try to make sure you have a handle on other parts of your life to allow you to focus on changing the parts you don’t like.

Be nicer to people

It is no secret that giving to others is one of the best ways a person can feel truly fulfilled. Whether that comes in the form of giving to charity or simply smiling at someone on your morning commute. It will make them feel better, and as a result, you will feel better. No matter where we are, there are no shortages of people, causes or organisations that could benefit from our help and kindness.

Get your blood flowing

This tip applies to people whose main focus is related to their physical health and those who aren’t particularly looking to improve this. Doing regular exercise helps you in all walks of life. Staying active increases the production of endorphins, which help produce positive feelings. These positive feelings will serve you well on your journey to change. 

If physical fitness is top of your new year improvement agenda, then make sure you find a routine that works for you. Once you’ve found that perfect formula, make sure you stick to it! 

Sleep more

It is hard to be productive when you are exhausted. That’s because a good nights sleep is just as important to our health as regular exercise or a healthy diet. The best way to stick to your goals this new year is by getting a good rest at night.

There are a few ways you can ensure you can sleep better, try replacing your pillow, or reducing your blue light exposure in the evenings. We know what your thinking, I have to get off my phone in the evenings, no way! Fear not, if you can’t live without your phone, there are ways to stop blue light without having to go cold turkey. Download apps that block blue light on your smartphone. These are available for both iPhone’s and Android models. 

No more unnecessary distractions

If social media is distracting you, get rid of it. If it’s the television, get rid of it. Even if its the sound of the clock ticking in your study room, get rid of it. 

You will find more time to focus once you have gotten rid of unnecessary distractions. Focus on the thing that matters most. In this case, concentrate on how you are going to improve this year. Feel free to take breaks and indulge in your guilty distractions, but always return to focusing on what’s important.

Strengthen relationships that matter to you 

Sometimes we get lost in the chaos of our own lives and forget to spend time with our loved ones. Having people to connect with helps lower stress levels and gives you someone to confide when you are unsure about your choices.

We know life can get in the way sometimes with stuff like work, kids, and chores to be taken care off. Why not use Laundryheap to help free up some time? We can take care of all your laundry troubles and have your clothes returned to you within 24 hours of us collecting them. 

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