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Basic Laundry Do’s & Don’ts

Laundry Do's and Don'ts

Laundry DO’s

  • Check the label: The laundry care label has all the information you need to care for your clothes.
  • Clean your washing machine: A clean washing machine means cleaner clothes!
  • Test for colourfastness: Avoid dyes from running onto other clothing by testing for colourfastness first.
  • Pre-treat stains: Get stains out easily by treating them asap, before you wash as usual. This will help keep your clothes from having discoloured patches.
  • Wash coloured clothes inside out: Protect clothes colours and make them last longer by washing them inside out.

Laundry DON’TS

  • Overload washing machine: Your clothes won’t get cleaned properly if there’es too much in the washing machine!
  • Put detergent directly onto clothes: Avoid laundry detergent residue on clothes by making sure you use laundry detergent correctly.
  • Leave zippers open: Close all clothes zippers so that they don’t snag onto or tear your delicate clothing.
  • Scrub stains: Scrubbing stains will only make it spread more and will become more difficult for it to be removed.
  • Just separate by colour: Before washing, sort clothes, not just by colour but by how lightly or heavily soiled they are and also by fabric material- abrasive fabrics from delicates.

If you require professional care for your clothes, you can always book a laundry collection with laundryheap.

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Lets Talk Laundry In Different Languages

Doing laundry when you travel abroad can be a little tricky. Not because you have limited resources to do laundry, but because it’s out of your normal routine and the language can be a barrier sometimes. As a result, most travellers choose to hand wash their clothes in the sink, but there are still few who would prefer to have it laundered.

When a foreign language does become a barrier, it can be difficult to specify how you want your clothes cleaned and what you want done to them, like iron or folded etc.

We’ve based this post on European languages: French, Spanish and Italian, as these are the most commonly visited places in Europe.

So let’s say you want to do your laundry in a laundromat in Spain, France or Italy. What words can you use? What phrases can you say? Let’s take a look:


Bonus for if you want to add ‘please’ and ‘thank you’:

French: ‘S’il vous plaît’ and ‘Merci’

Spanish: ‘Por favor’ and ‘Gracias’

Italian: ‘Per favore’ and ‘Grazie’

Although you might not get a 24 hour dry cleaning and laundry collection service, at least you’ve got somewhat useful words and phrases to break the language barrier when you want to use a laundromat in those countries.

Let us know in the comment section if you would like to see more laundry talk in different languages and we’ll give you a part 2, or share some useful laundry phrases in your language with us! 🙂


How Often You Should Be Washing Your Clothes

Raise your hand if you’re guilty of not knowing how many times you’ve worn a specific piece of clothing, so you smell it to see if it’s still okay to wear ?

Fun fact: There are a certain number of times you should wear your clothes before washing them. For some it’s after every wear, for most it’s after 3 wears, it all depends on what garment it is.

Below is an infographic guide on how often you should wash your clothes, determined by the number of wears..

The reason why some garments have to be washed after more than two wears is because washing them often than necessary will cause damage to the fabric and decrease it’s longevity.

These are just general guides, for normal days, if you don’t over sweat or soil your clothes easily. However, should you be perspiring heavily, or get your clothes dirty, then you need to put that straight in the wash! Or book a laundry collection service with us, we’re not just your 24 hour dry cleaning service you know.


Air Dry Vs. Tumble Dry Infographic

There have been questions as to whether natural air drying or tumble drying is the best option to dry clothes. 

It all really comes down to what the care label says on your clothes AND personal preferences. Like, personally I don’t own a tumble dryer and I don’t feel like there is a need to invest in one really. 

But hey! Everyone has different opinions, so let’s look at an unbiased infographic comparison of the two drying solutions.

There’s a little bit of good and bad stuff about both drying solutions. It’s really all about what’s convenient and most importantly what’s best suited for your clothes. If you have delicate clothes made from natural fibres, these should NOT be tumble dried.

Tell us, what is your preferred drying solution?

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