Laundryheap Blog – Laundry & Dry Cleaning

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Tips To Maintain Your Aprons Well

Aprons in the workplace are more than mere garments; they’re a symbol of professionalism. Whether in bustling kitchens, welcoming cafes, or retail environments, aprons worn by staff play a role in representing a business’s commitment to cleanliness. In light of this, we have put together this guide to help you maintain your aprons well.

maintain your aprons well - well ironed apron
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Signs Your Business Needs A Commercial Laundry Service

As a business owner, it can be challenging to manage all aspects of your business, including laundry. It can be difficult to know when it’s time to outsource your laundry needs to a commercial laundry service. Here are some signs that your business needs a commercial laundry service.

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Why Your Café Needs A Laundry Service

Running a café is demanding with all the never-ending tasks. Managing your staff and your customers’ expectations doesn’t make the job any easier. When you add laundry to the mix, it can be overwhelming and sometimes, your café needs a laundry service to handle the laundry.

Well, we are here to spill the beans. Laundryheap is a great laundry service to partner up with!

Staff Morale

Why does your café need laundry service, you ask? Firstly, in a busy work environment, your staff could use some help with having their aprons cleaned by a service.

Imagine finishing off a long shift and going home with your coffee-stained aprons and laundering it by yourself when you could be resting. By partnering up with us, your staff don’t have to worry about their uniforms because they can rely on us to clean them to perfection and make them look the part in front of your customers!


Additionally, another reason why your café needs a laundry service is that it makes it convenient for you – the owner. Laundry can get in the way of running your business but with Laundryheap, you are guaranteed a quick turnaround, high-quality cleaning and FREE delivery!

The booking process is as easy as 123! All you need to do is book a collection date, we’ll collect your work aprons and deliver them back the next day!

A cleaned apron makes for a happier barista all around!

So, let’s find a common ground and partner up!

To find out more about our commercial laundry services, click here.

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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Picking The Right Napkins For Your Business

When it comes to napkins, it’s important to consider what your business expectations are and who your customers are. Every napkin is different and because of this, you need to make a few considerations before buying napkins. In this blog, we will guide you on picking the right napkins for your business.

Key Things To Consider When Picking The Right Napkins

Types of Business

The decision to choose napkins stems from what kind of business you run. If you run a café, you most likely will need to choose paper napkins that are made to be disposed of after use. Paper napkins are cheap, and they meet the criteria for hygiene and serviceability.  

If you run a restaurant, you may opt for cloth napkins that are highly absorbent and easy to wash.

Laundryheap does offer commercial services so if your cloth napkins need washing, get in touch with us and we’ll clean them to professional standards and return them back to your restaurant within 24 hours!


When picking the right napkins for your business, consider your menu. Most restaurants and pubs use a static menu; one that doesn’t change quite often. If your restaurant happens to have these menus, both paper and cloth napkins will suit just fine. If your restaurant has a special birthday occasion or a large gathering, it’s best to use paper napkins as you can expect a high turnover of customers.

Be sure to choose napkins that are aesthetically vibrant and match the theme of your restaurant.

If your restaurant is a buffet, you will need highly absorbent and long paper napkins. Customers will be cleaning up very often so make sure you are prepared to order loads.


Material is everything when you are searching for napkins. For a restaurant, we recommend picking a material that is durable, reusable and highly absorbent.

Cotton napkins in particular are known to be extremely thick and durable, and they come with the reputation of being hypoallergenic.

In comparison, linen napkins are more lightweight but because of their soft material, they dry quickly after being wet.

Linen napkins that are organic and textured are great for outdoor seating as they add to the ambience of your restaurant.

Picking the right napkins for your business requires research and it’s not easy. We hope we’ve guided you in the decision-making process.

A friendly reminder, we do offer laundry services for restaurants, bakeries, and cafés. If you need your work uniforms, table linens, napkins or aprons cleaned, just get in touch with us!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.


5 Reasons To Partner With A Laundry Service

If the laundry at your business is piling up and you are struggling to manage it, it may be a sign that you need to partner with a laundry service. Much like laundry, tasks and responsibilities for a business are never-ending.

Thankfully, with technological advancement, you are only a click away from getting your laundry done. Here are 5 reasons to partner with a laundry service!

1. Convenience

When partnering up with a laundry service, convenience is a major factor to consider. Laundryheap, for instance, offers convenience because we work around your schedule. We give businesses the freedom to book the collection date that suits them and once booked, we’ll collect their laundry on the same day!

In addition to that, we’ll deliver it back for FREE the next day – making it even more convenient for your business to not worry about hidden costs.

2. A Laundry Service That Provides In Different Industries

Ideally, you want to pick a laundry service that provides in different industries as this builds credibility and trust. Laundryheap has worked with different types of industries; eateries, hospitality, offices etc.

With Laundryheap, you are getting versatility. Whether your business needs its work aprons, tablecloths, table linens, suits etc. cleaned, we will handle it!

3. A Reliable Customer Support Team

Accidents and mistakes will happen. Having a reliable and helpful customer support team is the difference between a bad and a great laundry service partner. If you aren’t happy with a service, get in touch with our customer support team. We’ll then investigate the query as soon as possible and make sure your questions are answered!

Photo by Yan Krukov (Pexels)

4. Cost-Effective

Additionally, running a business is expensive and if you are going to be partnering with a laundry service, make sure the prices aren’t too high. Fortunately, Laundryheap has the lowest price guaranteed with free delivery! Spending money at the launderette or building an in-house laundry can be expensive but partnering up with Laundryheap will save you money!

5. Good Reviews

To give you peace of mind, you want a laundry service that has a good reputation for providing high-quality cleaning, ironing, and drying services. At Laundryheap, we love making our clients and customers happy!

Partnering up with a laundry service is a great idea because Laundryheap makes laundry easier for your business!

To book a service with us, visit Laundryheap’s website or download the free app on iOS or Android!


Tips On Running a Café

Running a café is rewarding; seeing your customers happy after they’ve had their first sip of coffee is a great feeling! however, behind every business, there will be challenges and to help you manage, we’ve compiled some tips on running a café!

Get To Know Your Customers

Your customers are the heart of your business and the reason you are running a café. Customer service isn’t just about making the coffee, you should also get to know your customers and spark a friendly small talk with them. Remember their orders too – it goes a long way in making them feel welcomed at your café!

Work To Your Staff’s Strengths

The best businesses are those that allocate tasks according to skill level. Obviously, you should train your staff well but consider their strengths and weaknesses and assign tasks based on that. Everybody is good at something. If you have a staff member who has a friendly personality, assign them to the till where they interact with customers. If you have a staff member who is great at making drinks, instruct them to stay in the coffee bar during shifts.

Set a Culture All About Good Hygiene

Especially in these times, hygiene is more important than ever. Hand washing, good personal hygiene, effective equipment, and dish cleaning are all fundamental parts of running a café. Be clear to your staff and set cleaning schedules to make sure you never miss a deep cleaning day!. Wipe the surfaces and mop the floor meticulously. check everything is as spotless as possible! Cleaning makes a huge difference to your hygiene ratings!

Partner Up With A Laundry Service

Running a café alone isn’t easy. Consider partnering up with a laundry service like Laundryheap. We can imagine there will be milk or coffee stains on your work aprons after a long shift. The bar does get messy.

The good news is, with Laundryheap, we can clean your staff aprons and your bar towels. All you need to do is book a service with us and we’ll deliver your laundry back to you within 24 hours – all professionally cleaned!

You handle the coffee, and we’ll handle the laundry!

Always Make Sure Food or Drink is Dated

What sets the café industry apart from other industries is that you have the responsibility of food and drink handling. Your customers trust you to prepare their food and drinks to a high standard. Make sure the milk is dated according to its expiry dates and they are stocked using the first-in, first-out method. Always double-check when your food and bakery go out of date. Your customers deserve a delicious and fresh bakery!

Now you have the best tips on running a café, we want to wish you the best of luck! If you feel that you need help with your laundry, get in touch with Laundryheap and we’ll make laundry easier for your café!

Whether it’s laundering or cleaning or ironing, we have the services for your cafe!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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