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How to remove wax from clothing

Photo by Taryn Elliott from Pexels

Wax can be incredibly difficult to remove from clothing if not dealt with appropriately. Before you try any of these methods, scrape as much wax as possible from your garment using a dull knife or spoon.

  • Iron 
  • Hairdryer 
  • Boiling water 
  • Freeze


One of the most effective ways to remove a wax stain is to heat it with an iron.

Place a paper towel over the stain and on the underside. For extra protection, you can place a thin cloth in between your iron and the paper towel. Use a low heat setting on your iron, and press it onto the stain. This will melt your wax and allow it to drip onto your paper towel.

If your stain is on a fleece or wool garment, it is best to use blotting paper rather than paper towels as the paper may stick to your item. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels


If you are wary about using an iron to remove your wax, you can use a hairdryer.

In the same way as you would use the iron, place a paper towel over and under your stain. Using a hairdryer, blast hot air onto the stain, over the paper towel, for 5 seconds. After 5 seconds, blot your stain with the paper towel to aid in it’s removal from your garment. Repeat this process until your wax has been removed. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Boiling water

Before using this technique, be careful when handling boiling water. You do not want to splash yourself with the water and burn yourself. 

Begin by boiling a large kettle. Once your kettle has been boiled, carefully pour your water into a large basin or sink. Add 5-6 tablespoons of baking soda to your water and carefully stir it in. Dip your stained item into the boiling water, and leave it for 1 minute- you don’t want to leave your item for any longer as this could damage the fibres of your clothing. You may need to dip your clothing in and out of the water a few times to completely soften and remove the wax. 

Image by Scott Akerman


If you don’t want to add heat to your clothing, do the opposite and freeze the wax off.

Put your clothing in the freezer for an hour to completely freeze the wax. After an hour, remove your clothing from the freezer and snap off your wax. If there is any wax remaining on your garment, secure the stained area over a large bowl with rubber bands, and pour boiling water over the stain. This should melt the remainder of the wax and remove it from your clothing. 

Photo by Athena from Pexels

If your wax is not lifting from your clothing, send your garment to Laundryheap. Let us know what item of clothing your stain is on, where the stain is, and we will do the rest. 

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