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How To Make Chores Fun For Kids


Kids are full of energy, but when it comes to doing chores… not so much. It’s just not a fun and appealing activity for them (just as it isn’t for us either!), but it’s gotta be done!

Here are 5 ways to make chores fun for kids:

Make it a game

Kids LOVE playing games! So what better way to make chores interesting for them than to incorporate their favourite games within the chores you want them to do. How about a game of throw the laundry into the basket (like basketball) or the floor is lava, so they have to pick up their toys before it ‘melts’. If they’re washing dishes, add some rubber toys in there or a floating boat to make it fun.

Just be creative!

Friendly competitions

Turn those games into competitions! The one who gets it done first will win or the one who does the most chores will win! Whether you have one or many kids, friendly competitions are not only fun but a great distraction from the thought of it being a chore. You can also use these competitions as a way of training and developing their skills; they can try to do their task better/ quicker the next time.

Reward them

Make your kids feel proud of their accomplishments by rewarding them for their efforts and hard work. Take them out for a treat, or create a reward system where they’ll have to do a certain amount of chores to be able to get an item they’ve always wanted.

Praising your kids for their achievements will encourage them to do more and will give them a sense of positivity when completing chores.

Make sessions quick

 Kids can get bored and distracted easily when activities become less interesting. It’s best to keep their chore time short and switch up their schedules every so often; exposing them to different tasks.

Add some music

Gather a list of your child’s favourite music and let them sing and dance to it whilst they’re doing their chores. This will surely keep them entertained and motivated! You can join in too and it will feel like they’re having a mini party.

2 thoughts on “How To Make Chores Fun For Kids

  1. I can only play with children, for me this is the only way. But when they grow up, try a different approach.

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